APRIL 16, 2024 24
S.P. 1001 - L.D. 2288
An Act to Allow a Member of the Town of Perham Select Board to Facilitate
the Election to Vacant Seats on the Select Board and to Approve and Sign
Disbursement Warrants
Emergency preamble. Whereas, acts and resolves of the Legislature do not
become effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as emergencies; and
Whereas, the Town of Perham Select Board does not have the quorum of members
required to carry out the functions of the Select Board; and
Whereas, without the election of additional members to the Select Board to ensure a
quorum, the functions of the Select Board will not be carried out; and
Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create an emergency within
the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and require the following legislation as
immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:
Sec. 1. Town of Perham temporary authority of a member of the Select
Board; filling vacancies through appointment. A member of the Town of Perham
Select Board may appoint a municipal clerk, registrar of voters and treasurer to fill existing
vacancies for the purpose of facilitating an election to fill empty seats on the Select Board.
The terms of these appointments end upon the election of a quorum to the Select Board
unless the appointees are later confirmed as otherwise required by law or procedure.
Sec. 2. Town of Perham authority of a member of the Select Board;
authority to call town meetings and elections and designate shortened paper
process. A member of the Town of Perham Select Board may issue a warrant calling a
town meeting and an election to fill the vacancies on the Select Board pursuant to the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, sections 2521 and 2528. A member of the Select Board may
also designate a shortened nomination paper process for the election pursuant to Title 30-A,
section 2528, subsection 4, paragraph E and may appoint the necessary number of ballot
clerks to carry out the election pursuant to Title 30-A, section 2528, subsection 8.
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Sec. 3. Town of Perham authority of a member of the Select Board;
disbursement warrants. Until a quorum of members is elected to the Town of Perham
Select Board, a member of the Select Board may approve and sign disbursement warrants
under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, section 5603, subsection 2.
Sec. 4. Town of Perham authority of a member of the Select Board; general
assistance program administration. Until a quorum of members is elected to the
Town of Perham Select Board, a member of the Select Board may approve any general
assistance applications and perform any necessary functions to administer the Town of
Perham’s general assistance program that would otherwise require a quorum of members.
Sec. 5. Repeal. This Act is repealed December 31, 2024.
Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble, this legislation
takes effect when approved.
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