This resolve is reported out by the Joint Standing Committee on Education and Cultural Affairs pursuant to Public Law 2023, chapter 462, section 4. The resolve directs the Department of Education to establish the Commission to Study School Construction Policy and Funding. The resolve requires the commission to identify the scope of local school construction and renovation needs by reviewing any reports, data and other materials available and inviting comment from those with expertise in school construction; review and analyze current state law, rules and policies controlling school construction; examine how other states finance school construction and provide school facilities funding; examine the feasibility of establishing a school building finance authority; and determine where changes are needed and provide any recommended revisions to state law, rules and policies. The commission is required to solicit input from persons reflecting the broadest possible representation of the State's geographical regions and the full spectrum of local school construction needs and financing abilities and from persons with technical expertise in school construction, including, but not limited to, architects, engineers, builders and subcontractors. The commission is required to submit a report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over education and cultural affairs no later than April 1,
2025 and authorizes the joint standing committee to report out a bill related to the report. FISCAL NOTE REQUIRED (See attached) Revised: 04/01/24
131st MAINE LEGISLATURE LD 2285 LR 3116(01) Resolve, Directing the Department of Education to Establish the Commission to Study School Construction Policy and Funding Fiscal Note for Original Bill Committee: Education and Cultural Affairs Fiscal Note Required: Yes Fiscal Note Legislative Cost/Study Legislative Cost/Study The general operating expenses of this study are projected to be $1,400 in fiscal year 2023-24 and $4,200 in fiscal year 2024-25. The Legislature’s budget for the 2024-2025 biennium includes $14,500 in each of fiscal years 2023-24 and 2024-25 for the costs of legislative studies, as well as $38,909 of balances carried over from prior years for this purpose. Whether these amounts are sufficient to fund all studies will depend on the number of studies authorized by the Legislative Council and the Legislature. Fiscal Detail and Notes The bill requires the Maine Education Policy Research Institute (MEPRI) to provide assistance with research and drafting of the report of the commission's findings and recommendations. Maine Revised Statutes Annotated, Title 20- A, section 10 established the Education Research Institute to collect and analyze education information and perform targeted education research for the Legislature. The Legislature contracts with the University of Maine System to maintain the institute and ongoing General Fund appropriations of $250,000 per year are included in the Learning Systems Team program account within the Department of Education to support the work of the institute. The Department of Education also contracts with MEPRI for the updating of the essential programs and services components and ongoing funding of $250,000 is included in the annual appropriation for General Purpose Aid for Local Schools (GPA) program. This fiscal note assumes that the intent is that the work performed MEPRI will be paid for with the funding included in the Learning Systems Team or GPA budget for fiscal year 2024-25 and enacted in Public Law 2023, chapter 17 and that the cost of the study will not exceed the $500,000 already appropriated for fiscal year 2024-25. Given these assumptions, no additional General Fund appropriations are included in this bill for this purpose. Additional costs to the Department of Education to establish the Commission to Study School Construction Policy and Fund and provide staffing assistance to the commission can be absorbed within existing budgeted resources. Additional costs to the Maine Municipal Bond Bank, the State Board of Education and the Department of Administrative and Financial Services associated with serving on the commission are expected to be minor and can be absorbed within existing budgeted resources. LR3116(01) - Fiscal Note - Page 1 of 1