APRIL 9, 2024 611
H.P. 1472 - L.D. 2284
An Act to Implement Recommendations in the Department of Inland
Fisheries and Wildlife's Report on Wake Boats
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:
Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §13001, sub-§27-A is enacted to read:
27-A. Wakesurfing activity. "Wakesurfing activity" means an activity that involves
using a surfboard, wakeboard or similar device while being propelled by a motorboat's
wake or while on or in a motorboat's wake directly behind that motorboat.
Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §13056, sub-§14 is enacted to read:
14. Dissemination of educational materials required; watercraft dealers. A
watercraft dealer who sells a motorboat in the State shall provide the purchaser of that
motorboat with information related to the boater safety and education courses offered by
the department as well as information related to those operators who are required to
complete those courses.
Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §13068-A, sub-§18 is enacted to read:
18. Operating motorboat for wakesurfing activity; minimum depth and distance
from shore requirement. A person may not operate a motorboat engaged in a wakesurfing
activity in less than 15 feet of water or within 300 feet of the shoreline.
A. A person who violates this subsection commits a civil violation for which a fine
not to exceed $100 may be adjudged.
B. A person who violates this subsection after having been adjudicated as having
committed 3 or more civil violations under this Part within the previous 5-year period
commits a Class E crime.
Sec. 4. Outreach program; report. The Department of Inland Fisheries and
Wildlife shall:
1. Develop an outreach program to provide boater safety and education to persons
engaged in wakesurfing activities in the State; and
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2. Submit a report focused on wake boats and wakesurfing activities in the State to the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over inland fisheries and
wildlife matters no later than February 1, 2027. The report must include information on
the outreach program developed pursuant to subsection 1. The report must also include
detailed information on enforcement mechanisms and the level of enforcement undertaken,
as measured by statistics when data are available, including the number of reported
incidents, the number of complaints and the number of boats checked. The report may
include information on enforcement challenges, the department's view on the appropriate
water depth and distance from the shoreline for users engaged in a wakesurfing activity and
any recommendations for statutory changes related to these issues. The committee is
authorized to report out a bill based on the report to the 133rd Legislature in 2027.
For the purposes of this section, "wakesurfing activity" has the same meaning as in the
Maine Revised Statutes, Title 12, section 13001, subsection 27-A.
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