APRIL 9, 2024 595
H.P. 1467 - L.D. 2281
An Act to Reconvene a Driver Education Working Group to Evaluate
Hardships to Underserved Populations and Low-income Families
Emergency preamble. Whereas, acts and resolves of the Legislature do not
become effective until 90 days after adjournment unless enacted as emergencies; and
Whereas, Resolve 2023, chapter 94 established a working group to study the issue of
access to driver education for underserved populations and low-income families; and
Whereas, due to the adjournment date of the First Special Session of the 131st
Legislature, the working group had insufficient time to complete its duties; and
Whereas, it is imperative that the working group established by this legislation have
ample time to complete its duties; and
Whereas, in the judgment of the Legislature, these facts create an emergency within
the meaning of the Constitution of Maine and require the following legislation as
immediately necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety; now,
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:
Sec. 1. Working group. The Department of the Secretary of State, Bureau of Motor
Vehicles shall convene a working group to study potential solutions regarding the cost of
and access to driver education for underserved populations and low-income families.
Sec. 2. Working group membership. Notwithstanding Joint Rule 353, the
working group membership is as follows:
1. One member of the Senate who serves on the Joint Standing Committee on
Transportation, appointed by the President of the Senate;
2. One member of the House of Representatives who serves on the Joint Standing
Committee on Transportation, appointed by the Speaker of the House;
3. One member representing the driver education school industry, appointed by the
Secretary of State;
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4. One member representing a State Police traffic division, appointed by the Chief of
the State Police;
5. One or more members representing affected groups, including, but not limited to,
low-income families, immigrant or refugee communities, tribal communities and foster
children, appointed by the Secretary of State;
6. An employee of the Bureau of Motor Vehicles who is responsible for the oversight
of driver education, appointed by the Secretary of State;
7. The Commissioner of Education or the commissioner's designee;
8. The Commissioner of Health and Human Services or the commissioner's designee;
9. The Commissioner of Labor or the commissioner's designee;
10. The Deputy Secretary of State having oversight over the Bureau of Motor Vehicles
or the deputy secretary's designee;
11. The Secretary of State or the secretary's designee; and
12. One member representing the Bureau of Highway Safety, appointed by the
Commissioner of Public Safety.
To the greatest extent practicable, the appointing authorities shall reappoint the persons
they appointed to the working group established pursuant to Resolve 2023, chapter 94.
A legislative member who is not reelected may continue to serve on the working group
for the duration of the working group. If a member elects not to continue serving on the
working group, a person must be appointed to the working group in the same manner as
the vacating member was appointed.
Sec. 3. Compensation. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3, section
2 or any provision of law to the contrary, members of the working group may not be
compensated for their work on the working group.
Sec. 4. Duties. The working group shall:
1. Identify and document the current status of the availability of the State's driver
education program;
2. Examine and identify potential methods of providing driver education at a lower
cost for underserved populations and low-income families;
3. Identify possible funding mechanisms to pay for part or all of driver education for
low-income families; and
4. Make recommendations based on the findings of the working group.
Sec. 5. Staff assistance. Notwithstanding Joint Rule 353, the Department of the
Secretary of State, Bureau of Motor Vehicles shall provide necessary staffing services to
the working group, and Legislative Council staff support is not authorized.
Sec. 6. Report. Notwithstanding Joint Rule 353, no later than February 3, 2025, the
working group shall submit a report that includes its findings and recommendations for
presentation to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
transportation matters. The committee is authorized to submit legislation related to the
report to the 132nd Legislature in 2025.
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Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the preamble, this legislation
takes effect when approved.
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