This bill provides that, beginning February 1, 2025, any charge for costs associated with new gas service mains and gas service lines for residential and commercial gas service is unreasonable for inclusion in rates and prohibited. It provides that, beginning January 1,
2025, the Public Utilities Commission may not approve a gas utility to furnish service or serve customers in a municipality that is outside of the utility's service area on June 30,
2024. Beginning January 1, 2025, it prohibits a gas utility from offering or providing a promotional allowance to customers or potential customers. The bill requires the Public Utilities Commission to conduct inquiries related to district geothermal systems and costs associated with gas system expansion and to submit related reports to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over energy, utilities and technology matters. The bill also requires the Department of Health and Human Services, Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in collaboration with other state entities, to submit a report on indoor air quality and health impacts of fossil fuel combustion and leakage to several joint standing committees of the Legislature.

Statutes affected:
Bill Text LD 2077, HP 1336: 35-A.2104, 35-A.4706