MARCH 14, 2024 540
S.P. 854 - L.D. 2026
An Act to Authorize Medical Waivers for Menhaden Fishing Licenses
Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:
Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §6310, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2011, c. 266, Pt. A, §3, is
further amended to read:
1. Appeal of license denial. A person who is denied a Class I, Class II or Class III
lobster and crab fishing license because that person does not meet the eligibility
requirements of section 6421, subsection 5, paragraph A; a person who is denied a
handfishing sea urchin license, a sea urchin dragging license or a sea urchin hand-raking
and trapping license because that person does not meet the eligibility requirements of
section 6749‑O, subsection 2‑A; or a person who is denied a hand fishing scallop license
or a scallop dragging license because that person does not meet the eligibility requirements
of section 6706, subsection 2; or a person who is denied a resident commercial menhaden
fishing license or a nonresident commercial menhaden fishing license because that person
does not meet the eligibility requirements of section 6502-C, subsection 1-B may appeal to
the commissioner under this section for a review of that license denial.
Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §6310, sub-§2, ¶D is enacted to read:
D. A resident commercial menhaden fishing license or a nonresident commercial
menhaden fishing license may be issued to a person on appeal only if a substantial
illness or medical condition on the part of the person or a family member prevented
that person from meeting the eligibility requirements for that license and the person
documents that the person fished for menhaden while in possession of the same license
within one year prior to the onset of the illness or medical condition. The person shall
provide the commissioner with documentation from a physician describing the illness
or other medical condition. A person must request an appeal under this paragraph
within one year of the onset of the illness or medical condition.
Page 1 - 131LR2785(03)
Statutes affected: Bill Text LD 2026, SP 854: 12.6310
Bill Text ACTPUB , Chapter 540: 12.6310