This bill concerns the Department of Health and Human Services' provision of oral health services as follows:
1. It clarifies the requirement of the department to expand availability of school-based preventive oral health services to public schools;
2. It allows the Legislature to report out legislation based on the annual report of the department on the goal that children enrolled in the MaineCare program in all regions of the State receive at least one preventive dental visit annually; and
3. It requires the department to work with the MaineCare Advisory Committee, dental subcommittee to plan a pilot project for an oral health value-based payment model within the MaineCare program that includes prevention, early intervention, disease management and care coordination services for oral health services delivered in schools and early child care settings and to report the plan to the Legislature. The bill also makes permanent within the Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention's office of rural health and primary care the positions of oral health educator and data and research analyst.
Statutes affected: Bill Text LD 1837, HP 1169: 22.3174