JULY 27, 2023 119
S.P. 523 - L.D. 1286
Resolve, to Establish the Blue Economy Task Force to Support Maine's
Emergence as a Center for Blue Economy Innovation and Opportunity in the
21st Century
Sec. 1. Task force established. Resolved: That the Department of Economic and
Community Development shall convene the Blue Economy Task Force, referred to in this
resolve as "the task force," to support Maine's emergence as a center for blue economy
innovation and opportunity in the 21st century. As used in this resolve, "blue economy"
means business sectors that rely on the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic
health, improved livelihoods, jobs or ecosystem health.
Sec. 2. Task force membership. Resolved: That the task force shall consist of no
less than 13 members including representatives of public and private research institutions,
businesses that are innovating in various blue economy sectors, fisheries businesses,
aquaculture businesses and equity investors in blue economy businesses and the President
of the Maine Technology Institute or the president's designee. A majority of the task force
membership must represent either blue economy businesses or entities directly involved in
the commercialization of blue economy-related research and innovation.
Sec. 3. Consultation. Resolved: That the task force, in conducting its duties under
section 4, shall consult with individuals and entities involved in the blue economy,
including, but not limited to:
1. Relevant state agencies, including the Department of Marine Resources, the Office
of Policy Innovation and the Future and the State Economist;
2. Publicly funded institutions, including the Maine Maritime Academy, the University
of Maine's MARINE initiative, the University of Maine's Aquaculture Research Institute,
the Maine Aquaculture Innovation Center and the University of Maine's Maine Sea Grant;
3. Trade associations that represent businesses within sectors of the blue economy;
4. Businesses that build boats or manage boatyards, representatives of businesses that
develop marine technologies, products and services, including innovative and emerging
technology, and representatives of businesses that engage in marine construction or marine
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5. Blue economy investors representing different stages and scale of business
6. Representatives of the Seafood Economic Accelerator for Maine, or SEA Maine,
and individuals involved in developing the Maine Aquaculture Roadmap and the Offshore
Wind Roadmap;
7. Representatives of federally recognized Indian tribes in the State; and
8. Representatives of organizations engaged in conservation and sustainable coastal
and island development.
Sec. 4. Duties. Resolved: That the task force shall develop a report that outlines the
sectors of the State's blue economy and existing economic development plans or strategies
for blue economy sectors and identifies opportunities where the State can enhance or
facilitate the growth and scaling of blue economy businesses. The report developed under
this section must include the following:
1. A description of the blue economy that includes references to the sectors or areas
that rely on the sustainable use of ocean resources for economic health, improved
livelihoods, jobs or ecosystem health;
2. A review of how other coastal states are approaching planning for or expanding the
blue economy in those states;
3. A review of how at least 2 other countries with established blue economies are
approaching planning and investments;
4. A clear identification of the sectors within the State's blue economy and which of
those sectors have a specific economic development plan, strategy or roadmap and whether
that plan, strategy or roadmap is either part of or separate from a statewide economic
development plan;
5. For sectors within the State's blue economy that do not have a specific economic
development plan, strategy or roadmap:
A. Identification of current and potential future opportunities for those sectors;
B. A description of the competitive advantage the State may have for the opportunities
identified under paragraph A; and
C. Existing assets, physical or otherwise, within the State that can help the State take
advantage of opportunities identified under paragraph A;
6. For sectors within the State's blue economy with an existing economic development
plan, strategy or roadmap, an overview of that economic development plan, strategy or
roadmap and an identification of any recommendations that could enhance or facilitate
growth of those sectors. Recommendations made by the task force in its report under
section 6 may not be inconsistent with, and must build upon, any recommendations
identified under this subsection;
7. An identification of strategies within the Maine Economic Development Strategy
and Maine Won't Wait climate action plan that are important to businesses in the blue
economy; and
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8. Recommendations about whether a state-level strategy, action plan or other
mechanism would better position the State to take advantage of opportunities identified in
the report.
In conducting its duties under this section, to the extent practicable, the task force shall
focus on business opportunities, economic growth and research and technology transfers,
including growth opportunities for businesses in the State as well as opportunities to attract
businesses from elsewhere to expand operations in the State.
Sec. 5. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the Department of Economic and
Community Development shall provide staffing assistance to the task force.
Sec. 6. Report. Resolved: That the task force shall submit a written report to the
Governor and the joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
innovation, development, economic advancement and business matters including its
findings and recommendations developed under section 4 no later than February 1, 2025.
The joint standing committee may report out legislation based on the findings and
recommendations in the report to the 132nd Legislature in 2025.
Sec. 7. Appropriations and allocations. Resolved: That the following
appropriations and allocations are made.
Administration - Economic and Community Development 0069
Initiative: Provides one-time funds for the cost of a consultant to facilitate and manage the
work of the Blue Economy Task Force.
GENERAL FUND 2023-24 2024-25
All Other $0 $100,000
__________ __________
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