Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to develop and implement a 3-year public education campaign on prostate, lung, and breast cancer prevention that targets communities disproportionately impacted by prostate, lung, and breast cancer on or before December 1, 2026; requiring the Department to implement the public education campaign on or before January 1, 2027; requiring the Governor to appropriate, in certain fiscal years, certain funding to the Department for the public information campaign from the Cigarette Restitution Fund; etc.

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Maryland Department of Health - Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention: 1-311A State Finance and Procurement, 2-029 State Finance and Procurement, 7-317 State Finance and Procurement
Text - Third - Maryland Department of Health - Public Education Campaign on Prostate, Lung, and Breast Cancer Prevention: 1-311A State Finance and Procurement, 7-317 State Finance and Procurement, 2-027 State Finance and Procurement