Authorizing employees of public libraries to form, join, and participate in an employee organization and engage in certain other activities related to collective bargaining; requiring employers and certified exclusive representatives to engage in good faith bargaining; establishing a collective bargaining process for employees of public libraries; prohibiting employers and employee organizations from engaging in certain actions regarding the exercise of an employee's rights under the Act; applying the Act prospectively; etc.

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Education - Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining (Library Workers Empowerment Act): 23-901 Education, 23-902 Education, 23-903 Education, 23-904 Education, 23-905 Education, 23-906 Education, 23-907 Education, 23-908 Education, 23-909 Education, 23-910 Education, 23-911 Education, 23-912 Education, 23-913 Education
Text - Third - Education - Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining (Library Workers Empowerment Act): 23-901 Education, 23-902 Education, 23-903 Education, 23-904 Education, 23-905 Education, 23-906 Education, 23-907 Education, 23-908 Education, 23-909 Education, 23-910 Education, 23-911 Education, 23-912 Education, 23-913 Education
Text - Enrolled - Education - Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining (Library Workers Empowerment Act): 23-901 Education, 23-902 Education, 23-903 Education, 23-904 Education, 23-905 Education, 23-906 Education, 23-907 Education, 23-908 Education, 23-909 Education, 23-910 Education, 23-911 Education, 23-912 Education, 23-913 Education