Requiring an applicant for a license to practice optometry and certain applicants for the renewal of a license to submit to a criminal history records check obtained from the Criminal Justice Information Central Repository of the Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services; and providing that information obtained from the Central Repository is confidential, may not be redisseminated, and is to be used only for licensing purposes.

Statutes affected:
Text - First - State Board of Examiners in Optometry - Criminal History Records Checks: 11-302 Health Occupations, 11-302.1 Health Occupations, 11-303 Health Occupations, 11-306 Health Occupations, 11-307.1 Health Occupations, 11-302.1 Health Occupations, 11-308 Health Occupations
Text - Third - State Board of Examiners in Optometry - Criminal History Records Checks: 11-302 Health Occupations, 11-302.1 Health Occupations, 11-303 Health Occupations, 11-306 Health Occupations, 11-307.1 Health Occupations, 11-302.1 Health Occupations, 11-308 Health Occupations