Repealing the Office of Smart Growth; repealing the position of Special Secretary for Smart Growth; renaming the Smart Growth Subcabinet to be the Sustainable Growth Subcabinet; altering the membership of the Subcabinet; requiring the Subcabinet to review State assistance programs, promote interagency consensus and cooperation, provide advisory and technical assistance to local jurisdictions, and gather and disseminate information to the public related to the State's sustainable growth policy; etc.

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Smart Growth Subcabinet - Membership and Duties: 91-401 State Government, 91-406 State Government, 7-101 State Government
Text - Third - Sustainable Growth Subcabinet and Repeal of the Office of Smart Growth: 91-401 State Government, 91-402 State Government, 91-405 State Government, 91-406 State Government, 7-101 State Government