Establishing a minimum training course compensation of $50 and minimum daily compensation of $250 for election judges for each election day and each early voting day actually served; requiring the State Board of Elections to reimburse each local board elections for $50 of the extra compensation that is paid to each returning election judge; and requiring the State Board to develop and implement a marketing campaign to assist in the recruitment of individuals to serve as election judges.

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Elections - Election Judges - Minimum Compensation: 10-205 Election Law, 10-206 Election Law, 10-206 Election Law
Text - Third - Elections - Election Judges - Minimum Compensation: 10-205 Election Law, 10-206 Election Law, 10-206 Election Law
Text - Enrolled - Elections - Election Judges - Minimum Compensation: 10-205 [], 10-206 [], 10-206 []