Establishing certain goals and programs related to land conservation; establishing the Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Program to provide loans to land trusts to purchase land for conservation purposes; authorizing the Maryland Environmental Trust to exercise certain remedies under certain circumstances; prohibiting a person from making any false statements affecting a Local Land Trust Revolving Loan Program loan; establishing the 40 x 40 Land Conservation Implementation Grant Program to support land conservation goals; etc.

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Natural Resources - Land Conservation - Establishment of Goals and Programs (Maryland the Beautiful Act): 3-201 Natural Resources, 3-210 Natural Resources, 3-212 Natural Resources, 3-213 Natural Resources, 3-214 Natural Resources, 3-215 Natural Resources, 3-216 Natural Resources, 5-104 Natural Resources, 6-226 State Finance and Procurement
Text - Third - Natural Resources - Land Conservation - Establishment of Goals and Programs (Maryland the Beautiful Act): 3-201 Natural Resources, 3-210 Natural Resources, 3-212 Natural Resources, 3-213 Natural Resources, 3-214 Natural Resources, 3-215 Natural Resources, 3-216 Natural Resources, 5-104 Natural Resources, 6-226 State Finance and Procurement, 13-209 State Finance and Procurement
Text - Enrolled - Natural Resources - Land Conservation - Establishment of Goals and Programs (Maryland the Beautiful Act): 3-201 [], 3-210 Tax Property, 3-212 Tax Property, 3-213 Tax Property, 3-214 Tax Property, 3-215 Tax Property, 3-216 Tax Property, 3-216 Tax Property, 5-104 Tax Property, 6-226 State Finance and Procurement, 13-209 State Finance and Procurement, 2-025 State Finance and Procurement