Prohibiting a landlord from using a lease or form of lease that contains a provision that limits a tenant's ability to summon, or penalizes a tenant or another individual solely for summoning, the assistance of law enforcement or emergency services; prohibiting a landlord from taking certain retaliatory actions because a tenant or another individual summons the assistance of law enforcement or emergency services for certain purposes; prohibiting a local jurisdiction from enacting certain laws; etc.

Statutes affected:
Text - First - Real Property - Limitations on Summoning Law Enforcement or Emergency Services - Prohibition: 8-208 Real Property, 8-208.1 Real Property, 14-126 Real Property
Text - Third - Real Property - Limitations on Summoning Law Enforcement or Emergency Services - Prohibition: 8-208 Real Property, 8-208.1 Real Property, 14-126 Real Property