The bill aims to finance long-term improvements to municipal roads and bridges in Massachusetts, declaring it an emergency law for the immediate preservation of public convenience. It allocates a total of $1,500,000,000 for the construction and reconstruction of municipal ways, with specific provisions for cities and towns to comply with established procedures by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation. Additionally, the bill includes funding for various transportation projects, such as bridge and pavement lifecycle asset management, culvert and small bridge modernization, and capital projects aimed at easing congestion and improving safety.
To fund these initiatives, the state treasurer is authorized to issue bonds not exceeding $1,500,000,000 for road improvements and $885,000,000 for other transportation projects, with all bonds designated as the Commonwealth Transportation Improvement Act of 2025. The bonds will be general obligations of the commonwealth, with provisions for special obligation bonds based on financial market conditions and other factors. The bill emphasizes the importance of lifecycle asset management and resilience in project design, ensuring that municipalities can access funds for necessary improvements while adhering to specified guidelines.