The bill outlines the status of various approved 40R Districts through July 1, 2024, detailing anticipated building permits, occupancy, and financial incentives associated with these districts. It includes a comprehensive list of community districts, their total acreage, the number of units anticipated, and the associated density bonus payments. Notably, the bill specifies that the anticipated construction activity is based on annual updates submitted by each community with an adopted Chapter 40R District, and it highlights that the payment amounts correspond to the number of associated bonus units, which may be less than the total units listed as in construction.

Additionally, the bill includes specific insertions regarding the financial incentives and construction activities for various districts, such as the Adams SGOD, Amesbury Gateway Village, and Brockton's Downtown area, among others. It also clarifies that the City of Brockton's figures are based on prior updates and that the town of North Andover's 40R District was repealed in 2019, with no units permitted since then. The total financial incentives outlined in the bill amount to approximately $35,370,000, reflecting the ongoing commitment to support housing development in these designated areas.