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December 30, 2024
Steven T. James
Office of the Clerk of the House Senator Michael J. Rodrigues, Chair
24 Beacon Street, Room 145 Senate Committee on Ways and
Boston, MA 02133 Means
24 Beacon Street, Room 212
Michael D. Hurley Boston, MA 02133
Office of the Clerk of the Senate
24 Beacon Street, Room 335 Secretary William Francis Galvin
Boston, MA 02133 Secretary of the Commonwealth
State Publications and Regulations
Representative Aaron Michlewitz, Division
Chair 24 Beacon Street, Room 117
House Committee on Ways and Boston, MA 02133
24 Beacon Street, Room 243
Boston, MA 02133
Dear All,
Pursuant to Executive Office for Administration and Finance Administrative Bulletin 6, I
write to provide notice that the Massachusetts Department of Transportation
(“MassDOT”) is proposing a fee for the licensing of concrete aggregate
manufacturers, as required by M.G.L. c. 6C, § 79, established by the Chapter 56 of the
Acts of 2023.
The statute requires the Highway Division to establish by regulation a program
licensing “[a]ny person seeking to mine, expand, excavate or otherwise operate a
quarry, sand and gravel operation or any other aggregate source for the purpose of
producing concrete aggregate for sale or use in foundations, structural elements or
infrastructure, including, but not limited to, roadways and bridges.” The statute
requires the Highway Division to adopt regulations establishing standards and
Ten Park Plaza, Suite 4160, Boston, MA 02116
Tel: 857-368-4636, TTY: 857-368-0655
specifications for license requirements including maintaining an operations plan,
conducting testing, and submission of a geological source report signed by a
“licensed professional geologist.”
The statute also requires that MassDOT establish a fee to pay for the cost of the
program. The proposed fee will be $1,500 per annual license. MassDOT will begin
accepting licenses on November 1, 2025. The estimated revenue to be gained from
this fee is $225,000 annually, which will contribute to the cost of staffing and the
ePlace Portal licensing system.
Please do not hesitate to contact me with questions regarding the proposed
regulatory action. I can be reached at 617-780-8031 or
Christopher M. F. Smith
Senior Lead Counsel, Corporate & Ethics
Massachusetts Department of Transportation