December 16, 2024
The Honorable Michael J. Rodrigues
Chair, Senate Committee on Ways and Means
State House, Room 212
Boston, MA 02133
The Honorable Aaron Michlewitz
Chair, House Committee on Ways and Means
State House, Room 243
Boston, MA 02133
Dear Chairs Rodrigues and Michlewitz:
Pursuant to Chapter 88 of the Acts of 2024, we are transmitting to you this monthly report on the
Working Training for EA Residents.
Secretary Matthew J. Gorzkowicz, Secretary Lauren Jones,
Executive Office for Administration Executive Office for Labor and
and Finance Workforce Development
Secretary Edward Augustus Cristina Aguilera Sandoval
Executive Office for Housing and Executive Director of the Office for
Livable Communities Refugees and Immigrants
TO: House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means
FR: Executive Office for Administration and Finance, Executive Office of Labor and
Workforce Development
DT: December 16, 2024
RE: Monthly Approved and Authorized Training Programs report
The table below includes key datapoints outlined in Chapter 88 of the Acts of 2024. The data is
updated as of December 12, 2024. The Administration continues to pursue key activities related
to these datapoints below.
Approved Training Programs
Value as of
Datapoint Notes
Number of individuals Individual is defined as an adult, at least 18
participating in an approved 1,956 years old, who is an EA shelter resident or
training program in a temporary respite center.
Number of individuals
participating in an approved
training program since the
last report
Number of EA residents
participating in an approved 1,799
training program
Number of EA residents
participating in an approved
training program since the
last report
743 trainings from the Massachusetts
Eligible Training Provider list have been
identified and selected for EA residents in
the following industries:
• Advanced Manufacturing
• Health and human services
List of approved training 746 programs • Clean energy and technology
programs • Finance & Insurance
• Information Technology
• Transportation
• Hospitality
• Education
• Life Sciences
• Construction
• Early childhood education
Other Trainings Include:
• 2 English for Speakers of Other
Languages (ESOL) Training Programs
• 1 Pre-Apprenticeship Training Program
Municipalities where the See Appendix A for the respective
approved training programs 80 municipalities where the approved training
are located programs are located.
Number of individuals Not tracked at this time – as new programs
waiting for placement in an N/A launch, LWD will begin keeping waitlists
approved training program for new programs.
Number of individuals
Not tracked at this time – as new programs
waiting for placement in an
N/A launch, LWD will begin keeping waitlists
approved training program
for new programs.
since the last report
Number of individuals who
were provided notice of the
availability of an approved
training program
Number of individuals who
were provided notice of the
availability of an approved 622
training program since the
last report
Number of individuals who The number of individuals who
received an EAD while participated in an approved training
participating in an approved program and now have an EAD. Includes
program both current and exited EA residents.
Number of individuals who
received an EAD while
participating in an approved
program since the last report
Authorized Training Programs
Implementation status of authorized training programs: Subregulatory guidance issued by
the Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development on May 30th, 2024 pursuant to
House Bill No. 4466 pertaining to the administration of authorized training programs established
in subsection (dd) of section 6 of chapter 62 of the General Laws, as inserted by section 6, and
section 38NN of chapter 63 of the General Laws, as inserted by section 8, including, but not
limited to, requirements to be deemed an authorized training program.
Value as of
Datapoint Notes
Number of individuals Individual is defined as an adult, at least
participating in an authorized 0 18 years old, who is an EA shelter
training program resident or in a temporary respite center.
Number of individuals
participating in an authorized
training program since the last
Number of EA residents Number of individuals are not yet
participating in an authorized 0 available; LWD is finalizing the system
training program and process for tracking these numbers.
Number of EA residents
participating in an authorized
training program since the last
Number of individuals waiting Number of individuals are not yet
for placement in an authorized 0 available; LWD is finalizing the system
training program and process for tracking these numbers.
Number of individuals waiting
for placement in an authorized
training program since the last
Number of individuals who were
provided notice of the availability 1,943
of an authorized training program
Number of individuals who were
provided notice of the availability
of an authorized training program
since the last report
Number of employers approved
to offer an authorized training
program by municipality and
Number of employers seeking to
offer an authorized training 0
Number of individuals are not available;
Number of individuals who state agencies are continuously evaluating
received an EAD while the data collection system to improve our
participating in an authorized tracking and reporting capabilities, but
program currently do not have the capability to
report on this metric as defined.
Number of individuals are not available;
Number of individuals who state agencies are continuously evaluating
received an EAD while the data collection system to improve our
participating in an authorized tracking and reporting capabilities, but
program since the last report currently do not have the capability to
report on this metric as defined.
Number of individuals offered Number of individuals are not available;
employment after receiving an state agencies are continuously evaluating
EAD in an authorized training the data collection system to improve our
program tracking and reporting capabilities, but
currently do not have the capability to
report on this metric as defined.
Number of individuals are not available;
Number of individuals offered state agencies are continuously evaluating
employment after receiving an the data collection system to improve our
EAD in an authorized training tracking and reporting capabilities, but
program since the last report currently do not have the capability to
report on this metric as defined.
EA Individuals Enrolled in Training Programs
Value as of
Datapoint Notes
Residents of EA shelter self-reporting
enrollment in any type of job training
program, including but not limited to
Authorized and Approved Training
Number of EA residents enrolled
in any type of job training 1,497 The number is lower as compared to last
program. month’s report partially due to:
• Residents exiting shelter to stable
• Residents becoming employed and
therefore unenrolling from their
training programs.
Appendix A: Approved Training Programs Municipalities
Andover Fall River Pawtucket Westwood
Ashland Fitchburg Peabody Whitefield
Avon Framingham Pittsfield Wilbraham
Bedford Franklin Plymouth Woburn
Billerica Gloucester Quincy Worcester
Boston Greenfield Randolph
Bourne Hathorne Seekonk
Braintree Holyoke Smithfield
Brockton Kingston Somers
Brookline Lawrence South Easton
Burlington Lexington Springfield
Buzzards Bay Lowell Taunton
Cambridge Lynn Tewksbury
Canton Malden Turners Falls
Charlton Marlborough Tyngsboro
Chelsea Methuen Watertown
Chicopee Milton Waltham
Concord Nashua Wellesley
Dallas New Bedford West Barnstable
Danvers North Andover West Boylston
Dedham North Adams West Springfield
East Providence Northampton Westborough
Enfield Nottingham Westfield
Everett Oxford Westford
Fairhaven Palmer Westport