December 2, 2024
The Honorable Michael J. Rodrigues
Chair, Senate Committee on Ways and Means
State House, Room 212
Boston, MA 02133
The Honorable Aaron Michlewitz
Chair, House Committee on Ways and Means
State House, Room 243
Boston, MA 02133
Dear Chairs Rodrigues and Michlewitz:
Pursuant to Chapter 88 of the Acts of 2024, we are transmitting to you this report on Temporary
Respite Centers.
Secretary Matthew J. Gorzkowicz, Secretary Edward Augustus,
Executive Office for Administration Executive Office for Housing and
and Finance Livable Communities
TO: House and Senate Committees on Ways and Means
FR: Executive Office for Administration and Finance, Executive Office of Housing and
Livable Communities
DT: December 2, 2024
RE: Monthly TRC report
The table below includes key datapoints outlined in Chapter 88 of the Acts of 2024. The data is
updated as of November 27, 2024. The Administration continues to pursue key activities related
to these datapoints below.
Value as of
Datapoint Notes
This currently includes four state-funded
Temporary Respite Centers (Cambridge,
Number of families in Chelsea, Lexington, and Norfolk) and two
Temporary Respite clinical and safety risk assessment sites
Centers (TRCs) and (Revere and Quincy). Families at these two
Clinical and Safety types of sites are currently on the contact list
Risk Assessment Sites (previously waitlist) for the Emergency
(CSRAs) Assistance shelter system and are placed in
site based on site availability and a family’s
health and safety needs.
Number of families
Number of families that were placed into
new to the TRC and
168 TRC & CSRA sites between November 1 –
CSRA sites since the
November 26
last report
Total number of
individuals in TRC and 771
CSRA sites
Number of individuals
Number of individuals that were placed into
new to the TRC and
475 TRC & CSRA sites between November 1 –
CSRA sites since the
November 26
last report
Average Length of Stay
Value as of
Datapoint Notes
Average length of stay,
for individuals at TRCs 42 days
Family with the longest
190 days
length of stay
Value as of
Datapoint Notes
Families that have been
placed in EA from 85 families Data from November 1 – November 26
Families that have left
TRC or CRSA to a 78 families Data from November 1 – November 26
non-EA location
TRC and CSRA Services
Datapoint Notes (as of 9/05/24)
• Shelter diversion services, including HomeBASE
• Family Welcome Center services, including but not limited to:
o Basic needs provisions, including but not limited to
diapers, wipes, hygiene products, baby formula, and
o Employment authorization legal assistance
o Public benefits enrollment
o Vaccinations and health screenings
o Referrals to other services such as ESOL courses, legal
assistance, mental health services, health care services
Types of services • TRC and safety net shelter and services including but not
provided to families limited to:
o Temporary shelter
o Intensive ase management and wraparound services
o Legal assistance for work authorization applications
o Diversion services, including but not limited to
reticketing, family reunification, housing search,
diversion benefit applications, and application assistance
for housing programs
• Clinical and Safety Risk Assessment site services for eligible
families on the contact list, including but not limited to:
o Clinical supports and connections to care
• Case management services
• Cambridge TRC: 5pm-10am Monday-Friday; 24 hours
Hours of operations for Saturday and Sunday
services provided to • Chelsea TRC: 24/7
families • Lexington TRC: 24/7
• Norfolk TRC: 24/7
EOHHS issued a Bid Solicitation (BD-24-1039-EHS01-ASHWA-
96820) for the purposes of procuring one or more qualified
vendor(s) to operate and staff one or more overflow emergency
overnight shelter site(s) on January 8, 2024. Link to the
procurement and materials can be accessed here: COMMBUYS -
Bid Solicitation Bids were due April 5, 2024. Selected qualified
vendors have been notified by EOHHS and contract negotiations
A procurement record
are nearly complete. Contracts execution is anticipated in late June.
for state-funded
overflow sites for
EOHHS also issued a Bid Solicitation for the purposes of procuring
supplies and services
one or more qualified vendor(s) to operate and staff one or more
Clinical and Safety Risk Assessment Site(s) on February 29, 2024.
Link to the procurement and materials can be accessed here:
COMMBUYS - Bid Solicitation Bids were due April 5, 2024.
Selected vendors have been notified by EOHHS and contract
negotiations are nearly complete. Contract execution is anticipated
by end of June.
Efforts made to
connect families with Case managers at TRCs meet regularly with families to assess
additional services, needs, develop rehousing plans, and connect families with services
including RAs, include housing and employment programs to expedite rapid
HomeBASE or other rehousing efforts.
housing programs