FY2024 Annual Report for the
Massachusetts Paid Family and
Medical Leave Program
Department of Family and Medical Leave
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The enactment of the Family and Medical Leave Law, M.G.L. c. 175M on June 28, 2018, created Paid
Family and Medical Leave (PFML) in Massachusetts.
The PFML program provides benefits to covered individuals. A covered individual is either:
1) an employee who meets the financial eligibility requirements of M.G.L. c. 151A, § 24(a); provided,
however, that all such employment shall have been with an employer in the Commonwealth.
2) a self-employed individual who has:
a) elected coverage under M.G.L. c. 175M, § (2)(j), and
b) reported earnings to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue from self-employment that
meet the financial eligibility requirements of M.G.L. c. 151A, § 24(a) as if the individual were an
employee, and
c) made contributions as required by M.G.L. c. 175M, § 6, for at least two of the previous four
calendar quarters.
3) a covered contract worker, as that term is defined in M.G.L. c. 175M, § 1.
The Department of Family and Medical Leave (DFML) is required by M.G.L. c. 175M, § 7(e) to issue
annual reports containing information about applications for PFML benefits made to DFML. This report
provides a summary of data on applications for paid leave benefits from July 1, 2023, to June 30, 2024
(FY24). FN1
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Table of Contents
Information on Approved Applications in FY24:...................................................................... 4
Demographics for Approved Covered Individuals ................................................................... 6
Information on Denied Applications in FY24: ........................................................................ 11
Average Weekly Benefit ....................................................................................................... 13
Total Benefits Distributed Year Over Year ............................................................................ 13
Previous Fiscal Year Comparison .......................................................................................... 13
Application Processing Times ............................................................................................... 15
Leave Duration .................................................................................................................... 15
Open Cases .......................................................................................................................... 15
Employer Reimbursement.................................................................................................... 16
Information on PFML Program Data ..................................................................................... 16
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Information on Approved Applications in FY24:
Approved application data is based on application approvals that occurred between July 1, 2023 and June
30, 2024 (FY24).
In FY24:
• Total applications approved: 179,564
• Applications were approved for 117,152 unique individuals. (This number is lower than
total applications because applicants can file for multiple leaves within a benefit year.)
• Applications approved for medical leave: 115,394 (64.26% of total approved applications)
• Medical leave for one’s own serious health condition, other than medical leave related
to childbirth or pregnancy, accounted for 51.43% of approved applications (92,354
approved applications).
• Medical leave associated with recovery from childbirth or pregnancy accounted for
12.83% of approved applications (23,040 approved applications).
• Applications approved for family leave to care for a family member with a serious health
condition: 21,054 (11.73% of total approved applications)
• Applications approved for family leave to bond with a child following birth, adoption or foster
care placement: 43,052 (23.98% of total approved applications)
• Applications approved for military exigency leave: 54 (.03% of total approved applications)
• Applications approved for family leave to care for a covered military service member: 10 (less
than .01% of total approved applications)
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Demographics for Approved Covered Individuals
Covered individuals are required to disclose demographic information for age to DFML. In FY24
the primary age group for covered individuals was the 31-40 range, which accounted for
36.88% of the total approved covered individuals.
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Covered individuals are not required to disclose demographic information for gender to DFML.
In FY24, 61.09% (71,563) of covered individuals identified as female, 36.11% (42,302) of
covered individuals identified as male, 2.55% (2,990) of covered individuals preferred not to
answer, and 0.25% (297) identified as non-binary.
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Covered individuals are not required to disclose demographic information for race to DFML. In
total, 18.74% (21,949) of covered individuals preferred not to answer. After excluding covered
individuals that preferred not to answer, 59.30% (69,469) of covered individuals selected White
as their race; 11.19% (13,105) of covered individuals selected Black/African as their race;
4.44%% (5,205) of covered individuals selected Asian/Asian American as their race; 2.57%
(3,014) of covered individuals selected “Another Race not Listed” as their race; 3.18% (3,730) of
covered individuals selected Multiracial as their race; and less than 1% (680) of covered
individuals selected American Indian/Alaska Native or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander as
their race.
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Since the launch of increased language access in 2023, 3.82% of total covered individuals have
applied and received notices in Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian Creole, or Chinese.
Covered individuals who were approved for paid leave worked in a wide variety of industries.
The top industries are listed below. This data is derived from occupational information that
employers self-disclosed to the Department of Unemployment Assistance.
In addition to the categories listed above, responses in “other occupations” account for 66,499
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The below figure shows utilization of PFML by county. Since population size varies by county,
the data is presented on a scale of number of approved applications per 1,000 residents in each
county. The darker colors indicate more approved applications versus the lighter colors which
indicate fewer approved applications per 1,000 residents. There were 15,229 approved
applications that were submitted with an out-of-state mailing address.
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Approved of Total
Applications per Approved
County 1,000 Residents Applications
Barnstable 21.48 2.47%
Berkshire 21.35 1.42%
Bristol 33.45 9.71%
Dukes 12.57 0.14%
Essex 26.25 10.90%
Franklin 22.84 0.88%
Hampden 28.02 6.62%
Hampshire 18.90 1.63%
Middlesex 20.68 17.67%
Nantucket 12.56 0.10%
Norfolk 22.68 8.50%
Plymouth 30.09 8.12%
Suffolk 23.05 9.55%
Worcester 31.23 13.86%
Information on Denied Applications in FY24:
Total applications denied: 32,323
Percentage of all filed applications that were denied: 15.25%
Reasons for Denied Applications
The following categories accounted for the denials issued by DFML in FY24:
Eligibility The applicant’s employer was not identified as 6,863 applications
participating in the PFML program, for reasons that
include coverage by an approved exempt plan or
exclusion from the requirements of the PFML statute
The applicant’s employer could not be located using 2,350 applications
tax filing data
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The employee had not satisfied the financial 3,001 applications
eligibility test under M.G.L. c. 175M in that they did
not earn 30 times their weekly benefit amount over
the 12 months preceding the individual’s application
The employee had wages too low to qualify for PFML 3,227 applications
The person was ineligible due to being unemployed 217 applications
for more than 26 weeks at the time they applied
Documentation The applicant did not complete the application or did 6,745 applications
not submit the required documents
The documents submitted by the applicant did not 4,985 applications
comply with DFML requirements
Information Employer provided disqualifying information about 575 applications
from Employers the applicant to DFML (e.g., that applicant had
taken prior leave during the benefit year)
Employer was not notified by the employee of their 285 applications
need for leave in accordance with the timeliness
requirements established under M.G.L. c. 175M
Family leave The leave did not fall within one year of the 142 applications
child’s birth or placement
The person applying did not establish that they were 37 applications
caring for a covered family member
The person applied to care for a family member 9 applications
with a serious health condition and the family
member died before the leave date.
Other The application was submitted more than 90 days 378 applications
after the leave began
The requested leave exceeded the amount allowed 1,330 applications
for family leave
The requested leave exceeded the amount allowed 1,592 applications
for medical leave
The requested leave exceeded the total allowed for 229 applications
both family and medical leave
The application contained false statements 183 applications
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Abandoned Applications
In FY24, of the 6,745 applications reported above as denied for the reason that the applicant
did not complete the application or did not submit the required documents, 6,183 of those
applications were denied because an individual started an application on the website but did
not complete and submit the application.
Average Weekly Benefit
During FY24, the average weekly benefit was: $848.83
• $892.31 for family leave
• $824.63 for medical leave
Total Benefits Distributed Year Over Year
In FY24 (July 1, 2023-June 30, 2024), DFML paid out a total of $1,049,721,590.56 in family and
medical leave benefits.
In FY23 (July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023), DFML paid out a total of $832,548,618.16 in family and
medical leave benefits.
In FY22 (July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022), DFML paid out a total of $602,767,692.31 in family and
medical leave benefits.
In FY21 (January 1, 2021-June 30, 2021), DFML paid out a total of $174,729,366.12 in family and
medical leave benefits.
Previous Fiscal Year Comparison
• Increase in Approved Applications: 179,564 applications were approved in FY24. That
represents a 25.26% increase in approved applications over FY23, when the department
approved 143,356 applications.
• The increase in approved applications correlates with a 23.76% increase in total
applications (approved and denied applications).
• The approval percentage for applications in FY24 increased by 1.02% to 84.75%.
• While the overall number of applications denied in FY24 was higher than in FY23
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due to an overall increase in applications, the percentage of applications denied
decreased in FY24 when compared to FY23.
• Increase in Approved Applicants: The number of unique covered individuals accessing
PFML benefits increased by 19.98%.
• Increase in Approved Medical Leave Combined with Bonding Leave: In FY24, 74.10% of
covered individuals with an approved medical leave claim to recover from childbirth or
due to pregnancy also had an approved child bonding family leave claim which is an
11.22% increase from FY23.
• Improvement in Application Processing Time: The median time for an initial
determination was reduced by 4 calendar days.
• Overall, there was a 30.77% decrease in the time for an initial determination,
from a median of 17 calendar days in FY23 to a median of 13 calendar days in
• Improvement in Application Processing Time: The Department issued final
determinations, including the time spent completing decision appeals, faster, reducing
the median time it takes to issue a final determination by 9 calendar days.
• Overall, there was an 33.33% decrease in the time it takes the Department to
issue a final determination, from a median of 27 calendar days in FY23 to a
median of 18 calendar days in FY24.
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Application Processing Times
To apply for paid leave benefits, a covered individual must submit an application and upload
supporting documentation. The application is then sent to their employer, which has 10
business days to review and respond. After the employer responds or the 10 business days
have lapsed, the application is adjudicated by DFML, and a decision is reached within 14
business days.
• The average response time from employers was 2.61 calendar days.
• The median initial determination (from application submission to initial decision) was
13 calendar days, which was a four full calendar day reduction from the FY23 median
initial determination time. The median final determination (from application
submission to final decision, including the appeal process) was 18 calendar days,
which was a nine full calendar day reduction from the FY23 median final
determination time.
Leave Duration
The average duration of a leave completed in FY24 was 8.66 weeks. FN3
• For medical leave, the average duration of a leave completed in FY24 was 8.57
• For family leave, the average duration of a leave completed in FY24 was 8.85
Open Cases
At the end of FY24, there were 35,261 open leaves, where covered individuals were in the
midst of taking their leave. There were 144,303 approved completed leaves, where the leave
had been completed.
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Employer Reimbursement
Employers may qualify for reimbursement of benefits paid to their employees on or after
January 1, 2021, if they offer a paid temporary disability, family or medical leave policy, or an
extended illness leave bank that provides equal or more generous benefits than those provided
under the PFML law.
In FY24 DFML paid out a total of $1,666,335.92 in family and medical leave reimbursements
across 58 employers.
• $844,272.25 for family leaves
• $822,063.67 for medical leaves
Information on PFML Program Data
FN1. The data used in this report is derived from various sources, including DFML’s application
processing system. Numbers for reported data may be rounded. The data reported in each
fiscal year is accurate at the time of June 30 to the best of DFML’s knowledge. Any
inconsistencies in year-over-year data, such as the rise in the number of approved and denied
applications compared to prior fiscal year annual reports, can be attributed to several factors,
including claims with an appeals process in the subsequent fiscal year, application extensions,
and applications that were pending at the end of each fiscal year.
FN2. Comparative Individual Average Weekly Wage data is based on updated data and updates
the average Individual Average Weekly Wage listed for FY23 PFML approved claims.
FN3. Note that in previous fiscal years leave duration was calculated based on a 5-day work
week and excluded intermittent leave schedules. Leave duration for FY24 was calculated based
on actual work weeks reported by applicants and includes intermittent leave hours.
As of June 30, 2024, total application data from the beginning of the PFML program consists of:
• 508,370 ap