The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Executive Office of Health and Human Services
Department of Public Health
Bureau of Climate and Environmental Health
Community Sanitation Program
5 Randolph Street KATHLEEN E. WALSH
Canton, MA 02021
Lieutenant Governor Phone: 617-356-5387 Commissioner
Tel: 617-624-6000
July 30, 2024
Stephen Kennedy, Superintendent
Old Colony Correctional Center
1 Administration Road
Bridgewater, MA 02324 (electronic copy)
Re: Plan of Correction – Old Colony Correctional Center, Bridgewater
Dear Superintendent Kennedy:
The Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Community Sanitation Program (CSP) has received your Plan of
Correction (POC) dated July 22, 2024. After review, the CSP finds the plan appropriately addresses all of the
violations noted with the following exceptions:
1. Please provide a corrective action and date of completion for the following unaddressed violations:
a. Floor surface damaged in Walk-In Cooler;
b. Medical waste tracking form missing in Biohazard Room # D2-75;
c. Drain flies observed in handicapped shower # LG-42 in the Dawes 1 unit; and
d. Rear door not rodent and weathertight in Minimum Visiting Area.
Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter, should you have any questions please contact me at the
address listed above.
Patrick Wallace
Environmental Health Inspector, CSP, BCEH
cc: Robert Goldstein, MD, PhD, Commissioner, DPH
Nalina Narain Director, BCEH
Steven Hughes, Director, CSP, BCEH
Kathleen E. Walsh, Secretary, Executive Office of Health and Human Services (electronic copy)
Shawn Jenkins, Interim Commissioner, DOC (electronic copy)
Terrence Reidy, Secretary, EOPSS (electronic copy)
Brianna Arruda, Director, Policy Development and Compliance Unit (electronic copy)
Eric J. Badger, Health Agent, CHO, Bridgewater Board of Health (electronic copy)
Clerk, Massachusetts House of Representatives (electronic copy)
Clerk, Massachusetts Senate (electronic copy)
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