Commonwealth of Massachusetts
Annual Comprehensive
Financial Report
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023
Prepared by
Office of the Comptroller
Statewide Financial Reporting Team
William McNamara
Comptroller of the Commonwealth
This document is available at the Comptroller’s website:
Cover Photo Credit:
Cod (gadus morrhua), Official State Fish of Massachusetts
© davidyoung 11111, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Other Photo Credits:
Lady Bug (coccinella septempunctata), Official State Insect of Massachusetts
© tasha, Licensed through Adobe Stock
American Elm (ulmus americana), Official State Tree of Massachusetts
© tloventures, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Right Whale (eubalaena glacialis), Official State Marine Mammal of Massachusetts
© Dewald, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Mayflower (epigaea repens), Official State Flower of Massachusetts
© tom, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Cranberry (vaccinium macrocarpon), Official State Berry of Massachusetts
© Donny Wu/Wirestock Creators, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Morgan Horse (equus ferus caballus), Official State Horse of Massachusetts
©, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Dinosaur Track (ichnite), Official State Fossil of Massachusetts
© celiafoto, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Cranberry Juice, Official State Beverage of Massachusetts
© greentellect, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Garter Snake (thamnophis sirtalis), Official State Reptile of Massachusetts
© Erik, Licensed through Adobe Stock
New England Neptune (neptunea lyrata decemcostata), Official State Shell of Massachusetts
© Christopher Seufert, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Tabby Cat (felis catus), Official State Cat of Massachusetts
© Kellie, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Boston Terrier (canis familiaris), Official State Dog of Massachusetts
© Nailia Schwarz, Licensed through Adobe Stock,p
Rhodonite, Official State Gemstone of Massachusetts
© Nikita, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Wild Turkey (meleagris gallopavo), Official State Game Bird of Massachusetts
© FiledlMAGE, Licensed through Adobe Stock
Annual Comprehensive Financial Report
For the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 2023
Table of Contents
LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL .............................................................................................. 1
CONSTITUTIONAL OFFICERS ......................................................................................... 6
COMMONWEALTH ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE .................................................. 7
ADVISORY BOARD TO THE COMPTROLLER ................................................................ 8
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................................... 9
REPORTING ....................................................................................................................... 10
INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT............................................................................. 12
MANAGEMENT’S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS ........................................................... 17
BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS .................................................................................... 39
GOVERNMENT-WIDE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ......................................................... 39
Statement of Net Position ................................................................................................ 40
Statement of Activities...................................................................................................... 42
GOVERNMENTAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS .................................................... 45
Balance Sheet .................................................................................................................. 46
Reconciliation of Governmental Fund Balances to the Statement of Net Position ......... 47
Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances ........................... 48
Reconciliation of Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund
Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities................................ 49
PROPRIETARY FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ......................................................... 51
Statement of Net Position ................................................................................................ 52
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ..................................... 54
Statement of Cash Flows ................................................................................................. 55
FIDUCIARY FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS .............................................................. 57
Statement of Fiduciary Net Position ................................................................................ 58
Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position............................................................. 59
Statement of Net Position ................................................................................................ 62
Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position ..................................... 63
Notes to the Basic Financial Statements ......................................................................... 67
DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS....................................................................................... 143
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Statutory
Basis – Budget and Actual – General Fund ............................................................... 144
Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances – Statutory
Basis – Budget and Actual – Budgeted Major Governmental Funds - Federal
Covid-19 Response Fund............................................................................................ 146
Explanation of Differences between Revenues, Expenditures and Other Financing
Sources/(Uses) for the General Fund on a Budgetary Basis and GAAP Basis.......... 148
Explanation of Differences between Revenues, Expenditures and Other Financing
Sources/(Uses) for the Federal Covid-19 Response Fund on a Budgetary Basis
and GAAP Basis ......................................................................................................... 149
Notes to Required Supplementary Information – Budgetary Reporting.......................... 150
Schedule of Changes in the State Employees’ Retirement System (SERS)
Net Pension Liability and Related Ratios ................................................................... 152
Notes to the SERS Schedule ............................................................................................. 154
Schedule of Changes in the Massachusetts Teachers’ Retirement System (MTRS)
Net Pension Liability and Related Ratios ................................................................... 158
Notes to the MTRS Schedule ............................................................................................ 160
Schedule of Changes in the State Retirees' Benefit Trust (SRBT)
Net OPEB Liability and Related Ratios...................................................................... 164
Notes to the SRBT Schedule............................................................................................. 166
Schedule of Investment Returns ....................................................................................... 170
Schedule of Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability and Contributions -
SERS ........................................................................................................................... 172
Schedule of Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability and Contributions -
MTRS ......................................................................................................................... 174
Schedule of Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability and Contributions -
BRS ............................................................................................................................ 176
Notes to the Schedules of Proportionate Share of the Net Pension Liability and
Contributions ............................................................................................................. 178
Schedule of Employer Contributions - OPEB ................................................................. 179
OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION ................................................................... 181
Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances -
Budgetary Basis - Budget and Actual - Combined General Fund ............................ 182
Combining Balance Sheet – Other Governmental Funds................................................ 184
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances –
Other Governmental Funds ........................................................................................ 188
Combining Schedule of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances -
Budgetary Basis – Budget and Actual – Other Budgeted Nonmajor Governmental
Funds .......................................................................................................................... 192
Combining Budget to GAAP Reconciliation – Other Budgeted Nonmajor
Governmental Funds .................................................................................................. 200
Combining Statement of Fiduciary Net Position - Pension and Post-Employment
Benefits Trust Funds – Pension and OPEB Trust Funds .......................................... 203
Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position Pension and Post-
Employment Benefits Trust Funds – Pension and OPEB Trust Funds ...................... 204
Combining Statement of Fiduciary Net Position Held in Trust for Pool Participants –
External Investment Trust Funds ............................................................................... 205
Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position Held in Trust for Pool
Participants – External Investment Trust Funds ........................................................ 206
Combining Statement of Fiduciary Net Position – Custodial Funds .............................. 207
Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Position – Custodial Funds ........... 208
Combining Statement of Net Position – Nonmajor Discretely Presented Component
Units ........................................................................................................................... 209
Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenses and Changes in Net Position –
Nonmajor Discretely Presented Component Units .................................................... 210
Statistical Section Narrative and Table of Contents........................................................ 212
Schedule of Net Position by Component - Last Ten Fiscal Years ................................... 214
Changes in Net Position – Last Ten Fiscal Years ........................................................... 216
Fund Balances, Governmental Funds - Last Ten Fiscal Years ....................................... 218
Ten-Year Schedule of Revenues and Other Financing Sources All Governmental
Fund Types – Fund Perspective ................................................................................ 220
Ten-Year Schedule of Expenditures and Other Financing Uses by Secretariat - All
Governmental Fund Types – Fund Perspective ......................................................... 222
Personal Income by Industry - Last Ten Calendar Years................................................ 224
Commonwealth of Massachusetts Personal Income Tax Filers and Liability by
Income Level – Calendar (Tax) Years 2021 and 2012 .............................................. 226
Ten-Year Schedule of Per Capita General Long-Term Bonded Debt and Capital
Leases ........................................................................................................................ 227
Ten-Year Schedule of Outstanding Direct Debt and Statutory Debt Limit ..................... 228
Ten-Year Schedule of Pledged Revenue Coverage.......................................................... 230
Ten-Year Schedule of Percentage of Annual Debt Service Expenditures For General
Bonded Debt to Total Non-Capital Expenditures – Fund Perspective - All
Governmental Fund Types ......................................................................................... 232
Component Units Revenue Bond Coverage for the Last Ten Fiscal Years ..................... 233
Ten-Year Schedule of Massachusetts and United States Resident Population................ 234
Ten-Year Schedule of Massachusetts and United States Resident Per Capita Net
Income ........................................................................................................................ 235
Ten-Year Schedule of Annual Average Civilian Labor Force, Unemployment and
Unemployment Rates - For Massachusetts and the United States ............................. 236
Largest Private Sector Massachusetts Employers - 2023 and 2014 ............................... 237
Full Time Equivalent Employees by Function / Program - Last Ten Years .................... 238
Average Annual Medicaid Caseload and Medicaid Expenditures – Fund Perspective
– Last Ten Fiscal Years .............................................................................................. 240
Massachusetts Road Inventory Calendar Year End, Lane Miles by Type - Last Ten
Calendar Years ........................................................................................................... 241
Massachusetts Real Property Owned and Leased Annual Inventory, Acreage,
Improvements and Square Footage - Last Ten Years ................................................ 242
Massachusetts Public Higher Education Enrollment and Degrees Conferred - Last
Ten Academic Years ................................................................................................... 244
Calculation of Transfers: Stabilization Fund .................................................................. 246
Calculation of Transfers: Tax Reduction Fund ............................................................... 247
Massachusetts General Information ................................................................................ 248
Introductory Section
Letter of Transmittal
Constitutional Officers
Commonwealth Organizational Structure
Advisory Board to the Comptroller
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting
May 28, 2024
To Her Excellency Governor Maura Healey, the Honorable Members of the General Court, and
the Citizens of the Commonwealth:
Please accept this Letter of Transmittal for the Commonwealth’s fiscal year 2023 (FY23) Annual Comprehensive
Financial Report (ACFR) prepared in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). The
objective of this report is to provide a clear financial picture of our government as a single, unified entity.
This document presents the Commonwealth’s financial information on three bases of accounting, each serving a
different purpose. The report includes “required supplementary information” in the form of budgetary basis
statements, which are prepared in accordance with the Commonwealth’s budgetary or statutory basis of accounting
and summarized by Commonwealth branch and agency. This information is aggregated from FY23 line item
appropriations, the legal level of budgetary control -- i.e., the amount up to which state departments can spend without
approval of additional appropriations (in a so-called "supplemental budget") by the Massachusetts Legislature. Line