Annual Report to the Legislature on the Progress of a
Pilot Program to Help Students Acquire Academic and
Technical Skills to Prepare Them for Jobs in the
Commonwealth’s Offshore Wind Industry
Pursuant to section 74 of Chapter 179 of the Acts of 2022, “the department of
elementary and secondary education, in consultation with the executive office of
labor and workforce development, shall develop and implement a pilot program for
the purpose of helping students acquire academic and technical skills that will prepare
them for high-demand jobs in the commonwealth in the offshore wind industry.”
June 7, 2024
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Phone 781-338-3000 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 800-439-2370
This document was prepared by the
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
Russell D. Johnston
Acting Commissioner
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education Members
Ms. Katherine Craven, Chair, Brookline
Mr. Matt Hills, Vice-Chair, Newton
Dr. Ericka Fisher, Worcester
Ms. Ela Hopple Gardiner, Wellesley, Student Member
Ms. Dálida Rocha, Worcester
Ms. Farzana Mohamed, Newton
Mr. Michael Moriarty, Holyoke
Mr. Paymon Rouhanifard, Brookline
Ms. Mary Ann Stewart, Lexington
Dr. Patrick Tutwiler, Secretary of Education, Andover
Dr. Martin West, Newton
Russell D. Johnston, Acting Commissioner
Secretary to the Board
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Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, MA 02149
Phone 781-338-3000 TTY: N.E.T. Relay 800-439-2370
Massachusetts Department of
Elementary and Secondary Education
135 Santilli Highway, Everett, Massachusetts 02149-1962 Telephone: (781) 338-3000
TTY: N.E.T. Relay 1-800-439-2370
Russell D. Johnston
Acting Commissioner
June 7, 2024
Dear Members of the General Court:
I am pleased to submit the FY2024 Annual Report to the Legislature on the Progress of a Pilot
Program to Help Students Acquire Academic and Technical Skills to Prepare Them for Jobs in the
Commonwealth’s Offshore Wind Industry pursuant to section 74 of Chapter 179 of the Acts of
Any questions may be directed to Jessica Leitz via email
Russell D. Johnston
Acting Commissioner
Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1
Pilot Program ................................................................................................................. 3
Credentials .................................................................................................................. 5
Funding........................................................................................................................ 5
Student Participation Reporting ................................................................................... 6
Additional School Support ........................................................................................... 6
Broader Resources and Tools for K-12 Education in Sustainable Practices .......... 6
The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education respectfully submits this Report to the
Legislature: Annual Report to the Legislature on the Progress of a Pilot Program to Help
Students Acquire Academic and Technical Skills to Prepare Them for Jobs in the
Commonwealth’s Offshore Wind Industry, pursuant to Chapter 179 of the Acts of 2022,
Section 74:
SECTION 74. (a) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the department
of elementary and secondary education, in consultation with the executive office of labor and
workforce development, shall develop and implement a pilot program for the purpose of helping
students acquire academic and technical skills that will prepare them for high-demand jobs in the
commonwealth in the offshore wind industry identified pursuant to section 26 of chapter 23 of the
General Laws, as inserted by section 2 of this act; provided, however, that programming shall
include jobs in the offshore wind supply chain, including, but not limited to, manufacturing,
construction, assembly, shipping and operations and maintenance, and any additional credentialed
programming in support of the offshore wind industry.
(b) The department shall reimburse each school district at a rate of: (i) $750 for each student
in the district who earns an offshore wind industry-recognized certification for an occupation that
has a high employment value or relevant industry-recognized certification that is recognized by any
public institution of higher learning in the commonwealth as a basis for academic credit at such
institution, and (ii) $600 for each student in the district who earns an industry-recognized
certification in the offshore wind industry that does not meet the criteria of clause (i) but addresses
regional demands identified by the local MassHire Workforce Board. Any school district receiving
a certification award for the offshore wind industry pilot credentialing program shall allocate at
least 80 per cent of any certification award to the school whose students obtained the qualifying
certification; provided, that the allocation may not be used to supplant funds otherwise provided for
the basic operation of the school; and provided further, that any school receiving a certification
award shall use the award to support or maintain the program, including the payment of stipends
for instructors and the subsidization of fees for low-income students to obtain the certification. The
department shall develop the criteria necessary to carry out the offshore wind industry pilot
credentialing program and may promulgate any regulations necessary to operate the pilot program.
(c) Not later than February 1, 2023, and annually for the duration of the pilot program, the
department of elementary and secondary education shall submit an annual report on the progress of
the pilot program established pursuant to subsection (a), including, but not limited to: (i) the number
of public school students participating in the pilot seeking certifications for high-demand
occupations in the offshore wind industry; (ii) the number of such students participating in the pilot
who are low-income, English language learners and students with disabilities; (iii) the specific types
of certifications earned by students, including the number of each such certification earned; and (iv)
recommendations on how to bring high-skill, high-demand credentialing programs to scale
statewide, including any necessary funding considerations.
(d) Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the Massachusetts clean
energy technology center may transfer not more than $3,000,000 from the Massachusetts Offshore
Wind Industry Investment Trust Fund established under section 9A of chapter 23J of the General
Laws to the department of elementary and secondary education; provided, that said funds shall also
be expended by the department to reimburse school districts for initial costs incurred as a result of
participation in the pilot program, including, but not limited to, the acquisition of required materials
and equipment and the hiring of qualified teachers.
Section 74 of Chapter 179 of the Acts of 2022, enacted into law on August 11, 2022, specifies
that “the department of elementary and secondary education, in consultation with the executive
office of labor and workforce development, shall develop and implement a pilot program for the
purpose of helping students acquire academic and technical skills that will prepare them for high-
demand jobs in the commonwealth in the offshore wind industry.” Section 74 further stipulates:
“(c) Not later than February 1, 2023, and annually for the duration of the pilot program,
the department of elementary and secondary education shall submit an annual report on
the progress of the pilot program established pursuant to subsection (a), including, but not
limited to:
(i) the number of public school students participating in the pilot seeking
certifications for high demand occupations in the offshore wind industry;
(ii) the number of such students participating in the pilot who are low-income,
English language learners and students with disabilities;
(iii) the specific types of certifications earned by students, including the number
of each such certification earned; and (iv) recommendations on how to bring high-
skill, high-demand credentialing programs to scale statewide, including any
necessary funding considerations.”
Finally, Section 74 states that “the Massachusetts clean energy technology center may transfer
not more than $3,000,000 from the Massachusetts Offshore Wind Industry Investment Trust
Fund established under section 9A of chapter 23J of the General Laws to the department of
elementary and secondary education; provided, that said funds shall also be expended by the
department to reimburse school districts for initial costs incurred as a result of participation in
the pilot program, including, but not limited to, the acquisition of required materials and
equipment and the hiring of qualified teachers.”
This report is intended to serve as a joint report for 2023 and 2024 in order to more
comprehensively summarize the full planning and development process for the pilot programs,
which were in their initial planning phases at the initial reporting deadline.
Two Phased Pilot Program
Phase1: High School Pathways:
Throughout FY24, The Executive Office of Education (EOE) and the Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education (DESE) partnered with the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center
(MassCEC) to design the first phase of a pilot program to help meet the workforce needs of the
Commonwealth’s booming clean energy economy – since 2010, the clean energy industry has
grown by 73%, which accounted for more than 14% of all net jobs created in the state during that
time. The new Clean Energy Innovation Career Pathway will develop the next generation of
clean energy leaders in Massachusetts by providing students industry recognized credentials and
experiential learning opportunities in the field. Clean Energy Innovation Career Pathways were
advised to align program consideration to occupations identified in the MACEC 2022 Clean
Energy Report
report and occupations identified by the Workforce Skills Cabinet Regional Blueprints as well as
those noted in the Skill Capital Grant application. These districts received planning grants for the
now approved Clean Energy pathways:
School Pathway Amount Description
Carver Clean $25,000 Students will take challenging coursework in
Middle High Energy environmental science, physics, engineering, and
School mathematics, and participate in either an internship
or a capstone with support from MassHire South
Shore and employers to be identified by the
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.
Hadley - Clean $12,075 Students will take challenging coursework in
Hopkins Energy environmental science, physics, engineering, and
Academy mathematics, and participate in either an internship
or a capstone with support from MassHire Franklin
Hampshire, and the following local employers:
JAMROG HVAC, the Town of Hadley, UMass,
NEXAMP, and SWCA Environmental Consultants.
Norwood Clean $25,000 Students will take courses such as Introduction to
High School Energy Transportation Technology–Clean and Renewable
Energy Focus; Engineering 1–Clean and Renewable
Energy Focus; and Introduction to Electric Vehicles
and Automotive Electrical Systems via Benjamin
Franklin Cummings Institute of Technology.
Students will participate in capstones with support
from MassHire Metro SouthWest, the Town of
Norwood, and Norwood Light.
Reading Clean $25,000 Students will take courses such Environmental
Memorial Energy Issues, AP Environmental Science, and
High School Environmental Engineering, Engineering Ethics, or
Climate, Crisis, and Society offered via a partnership
with UMass Lowell. Students will participate in
either an internship or a capstone with support from
MassHire Metro North, Weston & Sampson, and
other employers to be identified by the
Massachusetts Clean Energy Center.
Revere - Clean $25,000 Students will take courses such as Introduction to
CityLab Energy Alternative Energy Systems, Solar Energy and
Innovation Photovoltaics, Electrical Code I, Electrical Code II,
School and participate in internships with support from
MassHire Metro North, ReVision Energy, All in
Energy, IBEW 103, PowerCorp Boston, and Speak
for the Trees.
Relevant public announcements are also available here:
• Healey-Driscoll Administration Announces Clean Energy Innovation Career Pathway for
High School Students |
• Healey-Driscoll Administration Awards New Innovation Career Pathways to 27 High
School Across the Commonwealth |
As part of the pilot planning process, DESE worked with the Executive Office of Education, the
Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development (EOLWD) and MassCEC to identify
region specific recommendations for clean energy programs, identify existing local training
programs, and create a Clean Energy Career Awareness Curriculum Map that maps key essential
questions and learning objectives, aligned to existing academic standards, potential career
opportunities, and lesson outlines. Here is an example lesson:
Lesson 7: Offshore Wind and Massachusetts’ Transition to Renewable Energy Sources
Essential Question: How will large-scale Offshore Wind projects transform
Massachusetts’ energy sources?
Learning Objectives: Students will be able to:
• Describe how wind turbines capture energy, convert it to electricity, and flow into
homes and the community.
• Identify examples of climate-critical professionals who work together to design,