FY 2024
Annual Report
June 1, 2024
Table of Contents
Remarks from FY2024 Chair .......................................................................................................................................... 2
Commissioners, Staff, and Interns.................................................................................................................................. 4
MCSW State Commissioners and Officers ................................................................................................................ 4
MCSW Staff................................................................................................................................................................ 5
MCSW Interns ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Our Mission and Charges of the Commission ................................................................................................................ 6
Mission ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Charges and Purpose ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Financial Overview ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Programs and Impact ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Public Hearings .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Girls Empowerment Leadership Initiative (GELI) Summit 2024 ............................................................................... 10
Commonwealth Heroines ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Speakers Bureau...................................................................................................................................................... 13
LGBTQ+ Report ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
MCSW Scholarship .................................................................................................................................................. 14
MCSW Legislative Agenda and Recommendations ..................................................................................................... 15
MCSW Regional Commissions..................................................................................................................................... 18
Berkshire County Commission on the Status of Women ......................................................................................... 20
Bristol County Commission on the Status of Women............................................................................................... 21
Cape Cod and Islands Commission on the Status of Women ................................................................................. 22
Eastern Regional Commission on the Status of Women ......................................................................................... 24
Essex County Commission on the Status of Women ............................................................................................... 25
Hampden County Commission on the Status of Women ......................................................................................... 27
Hampshire-Franklin Commission on the Status of Women...................................................................................... 28
MetroWest Commission on the Status of Women.................................................................................................... 30
Plymouth County Commission on the Status of Women.......................................................................................... 31
Upper Middlesex Commission on the Status of Women .......................................................................................... 32
Worcester County Commission on the Status of Women ........................................................................................ 34
Community Partner Thank Yous................................................................................................................................... 36
Remarks from FY2024 Chair
In so many ways, the past year has been incredibly transformative for the
Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW).
As the Chairwoman of the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of
Women, it brings me great joy to celebrate such a momentous year
alongside all of you. This past year, we proudly celebrated our 25th
anniversary. Formed in 1998 with a mission to advance women toward full
equality in all areas of life and to promote rights and opportunities for all
women, the Commission exists to provide a permanent, effective voice
for women across Massachusetts.
The Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women was inspired by the United Nations’ Fourth World
Conference on Women held in Beijing, China in September 1995. The conference directed state governments to
“form and adequately fund Women’s Commissions in all states and territories where they do not already exist.”
Massachusetts’ delegates at the Beijing Conference, including then Massachusetts First Lady Susan Roosevelt
Weld, returned determined that the women of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts deserved their own Women’s
With the help of many, including state legislators, a unique and model Commission was born, with appointing
authority shared by the Executive and Legislative Branches. Since conception, our 19 volunteer State
Commissioners, 11 Regional Commissions, and passionate staff and interns, have dedicated themselves to the
promotion and protection of equality for women in all areas of their lives.
I am filled with gratitude to see the many ways in which the MCSW Team has grown. In a short period of time, Shaitia
has overhauled the Commission’s infrastructure, rising to meet the challenge of rebuilding and re-seating our state
and regional bodies to full strength after the effects we all felt post-pandemic, and empowering a new generation of
leaders with the professional and business skills required to catapult the Commission into the next 25 years. Fully
staffed and fully seated, with 19 State Commissioners for the first time since the pandemic began – we are ready for
the opportunities that lay ahead in the coming year!
I am so proud to be the Chairwoman of the MCSW at this pivotal moment in time. We hosted public hearings all
across the state, trained more than 200 young women as next generation advocacy leaders at our 2024 Girls
Empowerment Leadership Summit, and awarded more than 125 incredible local women as Commonwealth Heroines,
our signature program that highlights local women who don’t always make the news, but who always make the
difference in our communities.
This growth has enabled us to reach deeper into our communities, host additional events, launch exciting
programming to further elevate women and girls through real impact, and much, much more. To celebrate our 25th
anniversary, we launched the first-ever MCSW Scholarship, where we awarded five, $5,000 scholarships to adult
women who are nontraditional students (going back to school later in life) to complete their degrees. We are excited
to introduce our Scholarship recipients at our 2024 Commonwealth Heroines Celebration and look forward to sharing
the good news with all of you.
Furthermore, we couldn’t be more proud to continue our work to advance the lives of women and girls through policy
advocacy, especially given the historic nature of representation now in the corner office of our state. The executive
and legislative branches of Massachusetts are now majority women. Governor Maura Healey, Lt. Governor Kim
Driscoll, Andrea Campbell elected as the first Black Attorney General in the Commonwealth, Treasurer Goldberg,
Auditor DiZoglio, Senate President Spilka, and so many others make Massachusetts the leading state in the nation in
the number of women holding high-level leadership positions. We are thankful for their partnership, support,
incredible energy and expertise.
This strong leadership enabled our recent budget approval, underscoring the Commonwealth’s commitment to
prioritizing and elevating the voices of women at historic levels. Our policy work continues to be at the heart of
everything we do, and we express our deepest gratitude to our appointing authorities: the Governor, the Senate
President, the Speaker of the House, and the Caucus of Women Legislators for continually collaborating with us to
move the needle on policy that can change all our lives for the better. As the 193rd General Court of the
Commonwealth of Massachusetts draws to a close, we commit to working alongside all of you to usher in the 194th
and beyond.
While there is still much uncertainty, inequity, and discrimination in the world, I draw hope from my Sister
Commissioners and our collective work as a community to change the lives of women and girls in the Commonwealth
for the better.
In solidarity and gratitude,
Dr. Sarah Glenn-Smith
Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW) Chairwoman
Commissioners, Staff, and Interns
MCSW Commissioners celebrating at the organization’s 25th Anniversary Gala
MCSW State Commissioners and Officers
Dr. Sarah Glenn-Smith, Holliston – MCSW Chairwoman
Mary-dith Tuitt, Boston – MCSW Vice-Chairwoman
Tanisha Arena, Springfield – MCSW Treasurer and Finance Committee Chair
Christine Monska, Auburndale – MCSW Secretary and Girls Empowerment and Leadership Initiative (GELI) Chair
Denella Clark, Hyde Park – MCSW Scholarship Committee Chair and Immediate Past Chair
Rebecca Bact, Auburndale
Carol Campbell, Amherst
Divya Chaturvedi, Wilmington – Finance Committee Vice Chair
Guimel DeCarvalho, Natick – Legislative and Public Policy Committee Vice-Chair
Marianne Fleckner, Westford
Jean Fox, Freetown – Program and Planning Committee Vice-Chair
Liz Friedman, Northampton
Allison Goldberg, Marblehead
Audrey Hall, Framingham – Finance Committee Secretary
Nina Liang, Quincy
Leslie-Ann McGee, Falmouth – Program and Planning Committee Secretary
Dr. Aisha Miller, Mattapan – Program and Planning Committee Chair
Dr. Sonia Shah, Natick
Dr. Kimberly Shea, Winchendon – Legislative and Public Policy Committee Secretary
FY24 MCSW Staff
MCSW Staff
Shaitia Spruell, Lancaster – Executive Director
Marjorie C. Bernadeau-Alexandre, Roslindale – Administration & Finance Director
Tina Games, Harwich – Regional Commissions Director
Ellen Moorhouse, Springfield – Communications and Marketing Director
Shalaya West, MPP, Boston – Program and Research Director
Darlene Kelter, Lynnfield – Administrative Assistant
Raven Harris, Springfield – MCSW Clerk & Executive Assistant
MCSW Interns
The MCSW's internship program provides students with an opportunity to gain hands-on experience in public policy,
research, communications, and community outreach related to women's issues. Interns work closely with the
commission staff to support ongoing projects and initiatives, as well as to develop new projects and programs. We
welcomed a slate of paid interns this year from a variety of educational institutions across the Commonwealth.
Lauren Batiste, Boston University
Dafne Burgos, Emmanuel College
Marzieh Darling-Donnelly, Simmons University
Kelechi Ezemma, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Sophia Guziewicz, Mount Holyoke College
Riyad Noufal, Salem State University
Natalie Rubin, Boston University
Jessica Sizing, Boston College
Julia Steiner, Tufts University
Lilly Taglieri, Simmons University
Our Mission and Charges of the Commission
MCSW is comprised of 19 volunteer state commissioners, 11 regional bodies, dedicated staff members, and
seasonal interns. MCSW state commissioners are appointed by one of four appointing authorities: the Governor, the
Senate President, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Caucus of Women Legislators.
Commissioners serve in a volunteer capacity, and meet monthly, September through June. In addition, each
commissioner is a member of at least one standing committee that generally meets monthly.
The standing committees include:
• Legislative and Public Policy
• Program and Planning
• Finance Committee
• Executive Committee
For more than 25 years now, the Commission and our regional bodies have worked to advance the rights and
opportunities of all women and girls across Massachusetts, and advance an inclusive environment for everyone,
regardless of race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, color, sex (with or without sexual conduct and including pregnancy
and sexual orientation involving transgender status/gender identity, and sex-stereotyping), age, disability (physical or
mental), genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, parental status, marital status, and political affiliation
as well as gender expression, mental illness, socioeconomic status or background, neuro(a)typicality, physical
appearance, body size, or clothing.
The mission of the Commission is to advance women toward full equality in all areas of life and to promote rights and
opportunities for all women and girls. The Commission exists to provide a permanent, effective voice for women
across Massachusetts.
Charges and Purpose
MCSW is Empowered to:
a) study, review and report on the status of women in the Commonwealth;
b) inform leaders of business, education, health care, state and local governments and the communications
media of issues pertaining to women;
c) serve as a liaison between government and private interest groups concerned with issues affecting women;
d) serve as a clearinghouse for information on issues pertaining to women;
e) identify and recommend qualified women for appointive positions at all levels of government, including
boards and commissions, as the commission deems necessary and appropriate;
f) assess programs and practices in all state agencies as they affect women, as the commission deems
necessary and appropriate;
g) advise executive and legislative bodies on the effect on women of proposed legislation, as the commission
deems necessary and appropriate; and
h) promote and facilitate collaboration among local women’s commissions and among women’s organizations
in the state, as the commission deems necessary and appropriate.
Organizational Chart
Financial Overview
During the fiscal year of 2024 (July 1, 2023 - June 30,
2024) MCSW received a Massachusetts State General
Appropriation budget of $949,292. Additionally, we
maintain a statutory trust fund of money raised by the
agency to support external community projects, such as
our MCSW Scholarship launched in 2024 in celebration
of our 25th anniversary, which is awarding $25,000 this
MCSW operational expenses include salary & fringe,
consultant services, operational technology needs,
language accessibility, programs cost, as well as support
MCSW Executive Director Shaitia Spruell (L) and MCSW
for advocacy and engagement through the Regional Grant Treasurer Tanisha Arena (right) representing the MCSW at the
for the operation of our 11 regional commissions. Ways and Means FY24 Budget Hearing in March of 2024
The MCSW Regional Grant is provided to the regionals for the cost associated with training for advocacy and
community engagement to gather information on the issues impacting the various regions of the Commonwealth. We
recognize that each region may face its own unique challenges as highlighted in our public hearings. To reach a state
of equity we must address their unique challenges.
Throughout the year, we had a dedicated team of 6.5 full-time staff members, each with their own role in the
organization. We also had up to ten paid interns at different times, all putting in at least 10 hours per week to
contribute to our mission.
As stewards of public funding, we take our responsibility seriously and are dedicated to using these resources to
empower women and girls across Massachusetts. For FY2024, the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of
Women state allocation totaled $949,292.00. We’re committed to financial transparency and using our funds to re-
invest into the Commonwealth. Our major financial commitments include:
State Allocation: .......................................................................................... $949,292.00
Operational Fees: ......................................................................................... $19,000.00
Administrative Operation: ........................................................................... $752,292.00
Paid Intern Program:..................................................................................... $45,000.00
ADA and Language Accommodations: ......................................................... $20,000.00