HOUSE . . . . . . . No. 4707
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
The committee on Ways and Means, to whom was referred the Bill to
[sic] the Affordable Homes Act (printed in House, No. 4138), reports
recommending that the same ought to pass with an amendment
substituting therefor the accompanying bill (House, No. 4707) [Bond
Issue: General Obligation Bonds: $6,205,000,000.00].
For the committee,
FILED ON: 6/3/2024
HOUSE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 4707
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts
In the One Hundred and Ninety-Third General Court
An Act relative to the Affordable Homes Act.
Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to
authorize forthwith the financing of the production and preservation of housing for low and
moderate income citizens of the commonwealth and to make related changes in certain laws,
therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation
of the public convenience.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority
of the same, as follows:
1 SECTION 1. To provide for a capital outlay program to rehabilitate, produce and
2 modernize state-aided public housing developments; to preserve the affordability and the income
3 mix of state-assisted multifamily developments; to support home ownership and rental housing
4 opportunities for low and moderate income citizens; to stem urban blight through the
5 implementation of housing stabilization programs; to support housing production for the elderly,
6 disabled and homeless; to preserve housing for the elderly, the homeless and low and moderate
7 income citizens and persons with disabilities; to develop facilities for licensed early care and
8 education and out of school time programs; and to promote economic reinvestment through the
9 funding of infrastructure improvements, the sums set forth in sections 2 to 2B, inclusive for the
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10 several purposes and subject to the conditions specified in this act, are hereby made available
11 subject to the laws regulating the disbursement of public funds.
14 Department of Early Education and Care
15 3000-0411 For the purpose of state financial assistance in the form of grants for the
16 Early Education and Out of School Time Capital Fund for the development of eligible facilities
17 for licensed early care and education and out of school time programs established in section 18
18 of chapter 15D of the General Laws; provided, that the department of early education and care
19 may contract with quasi-public or non-profit entities to administer the program, including, but
20 not limited to, the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation established in
21 chapter 40H of the General Laws; provided further, that the department may develop or finance
22 eligible facilities, may enter into subcontracts with nonprofit organizations established pursuant
23 to chapter 180 of the General Laws or organizations in which such nonprofit corporations have a
24 controlling financial or managerial interest; provided further, that the department shall consider:
25 (i) a balanced geographic plan for such eligible facilities when issuing the funding commitments;
26 and (ii) funding large group and school age child care centers, as defined by the department;
27 provided further, that the services made available pursuant to such grants shall not be construed
28 as a right or entitlement for any individual or class of persons to the benefits financing; provided
29 further, that no expenditure shall be made from this item without the prior approval of the
30 secretary of administration and finance; and provided further, that eligibility shall be established
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31 by regulations promulgated by the department pursuant to chapter 30A of the General Laws for
32 the implementation, administration and enforcement of this item............................... $50,000,000
34 Office of the Secretary
35 7004-0069 For a program of loans or grants to assist homeowners or tenants with a
36 household member with blindness or severe disabilities in making modifications to their primary
37 residence for the purpose of improving accessibility or to allow such individuals to live
38 independently in the community or for construction costs to allow for the building of an
39 accessory unit, which shall mean a unit constructed as an additional dwelling unit separate from
40 the primary dwelling unit, for a person with disabilities or an elder needing assistance with
41 activities of daily living; provided, that not more than 10 per cent shall be used for grants to
42 assist landlords seeking to make modifications for a current or prospective tenant with
43 disabilities, who but for such a grant would be unable to maintain or secure permanent housing;
44 provided further, that the secretary of housing and livable communities and the secretary of
45 health and human services shall take all steps necessary to minimize the program’s
46 administrative costs; provided further, that the secretary of health and human services may
47 contract with quasi-public or non-profit entities to administer the program, including, but not
48 limited to, the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation established in
49 chapter 40H of the General Laws; provided further, that the program shall be available pursuant
50 to income eligibility standards approved by the secretary of health and human services; provided
51 further, that the repayment of the loans may be delayed until the sale of the principal residence
52 by the homeowner; provided further, that persons residing in a development covered by section 4
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53 of chapter 151B of the General Laws shall not be eligible for the program unless the owner can
54 show that the modification is an undue financial burden or that the landlord is participating in the
55 grant program to maintain or secure housing for a tenant with disabilities; provided further, that
56 the secretary of health and human services shall consult with the Massachusetts commission for
57 the blind and the Massachusetts rehabilitation commission to develop rules, regulations and
58 guidelines for the program; provided further, that nothing in this item shall give rise to
59 enforceable legal rights in any party or an enforceable entitlement to services; provided further,
60 that funds expended from this item shall, to the maximum extent feasible, be prioritized for
61 projects that comply with decarbonization and sustainability standards; provided further, that
62 prioritization shall be determined through objective scoring criteria in the Qualified Allocation
63 Plan developed by the executive office of housing and livable communities; provided further,
64 that for new construction projects, the standards set forth in the commonwealth’s Opt-in
65 Specialized Energy Code in 225 CMR 22.00 and 23.00 and the Enterprise Green Communities
66 standards shall be the applicable standards for prioritization; provided further, that any project
67 proposing less than full compliance with said standards shall provide detailed analysis
68 demonstrating why full compliance would render the project infeasible notwithstanding
69 utilization of all available federal and state incentives, including rebates and tax credits; provided
70 further, that for retrofits of existing units, prioritization shall be given to projects that include
71 energy efficiency and electrification decarbonization measures, including, but not limited to
72 electric or ground source heat pumps, net-zero developments, Passive House or equivalent
73 energy efficiency certification, and all-electric buildings and projects that incorporate green,
74 sustainable and climate-resilient elements; provided further, that projects that include lower
75 embodied carbon construction materials and methods shall be further prioritized; and provided
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76 further, that the secretary of housing and livable communities shall submit quarterly reports to
77 the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on bonding, capital
78 expenditures and state assets and the joint committee on housing detailing the status of the
79 program established in this item................................................................................... $60,000,000
80 7004-0070 For state financial assistance in the form of loans for the development of
81 community-based housing or supportive housing for individuals with mental illness and
82 individuals with intellectual disabilities; provided, that the loan program shall be administered by
83 the executive office of housing and livable communities through contracts with 1 or more of the
84 following agencies: the Massachusetts Development Finance Agency established in chapter 23G
85 of the General Laws, the Community Economic Development Assistance Corporation
86 established in chapter 40H of the General Laws, operating agencies established pursuant to
87 chapter 121B of the General Laws and the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency established
88 in chapter 708 of the acts of 1966; provided further, that those agencies may develop or finance
89 community-based housing or supportive housing or may enter into subcontracts with nonprofit
90 organizations, established pursuant to chapter 180 of the General Laws, or organizations in
91 which such nonprofit corporations have a controlling financial or managerial interest or for-profit
92 organizations; provided, however, that preference for the subcontracts shall be given to nonprofit
93 organizations; provided further, that the executive office shall consider a balanced geographic
94 plan for such community-based housing or supportive housing when issuing the loans; provided
95 further, that the executive office shall consider development of a balanced range of housing
96 models by prioritizing funds for integrated housing as defined by the appropriate housing and
97 service agencies, including, but not limited to, the executive office of housing and livable
98 communities, the department of mental health and the department of developmental services, in
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99 consultation with relevant and interested clients, clients’ families, advocates and other parties as
100 necessary; provided further, that loans issued pursuant to this item shall: (i) not exceed 50 per
101 cent of the financing of the total development costs; (ii) not be issued unless a contract or
102 agreement for the use of the property for such housing provides for repayment to the
103 commonwealth at the time of disposition of the property if such property will no longer be
104 subject to a recorded deed restriction pursuant to clause (iii) of this item; provided, however, that
105 such repayment shall be in an amount equal to the commonwealth’s proportional contribution
106 from the Facilities Consolidation Fund to the cost of the development through payments made by
107 the state agency making the contract; provided further, that such repayment shall not be required
108 if the executive office of housing and livable communities, in consultation with the department
109 of mental health and the department of developmental services, determines that relevant clients
110 will be better served at an alternative property and the proceeds from the disposition of the
111 property will be used, to the extent necessary for replacement of the housing at the property, for
112 1 or more of the following purposes: (A) to acquire such alternative property; or (B) to
113 rehabilitate such alternative property; (iii) not be issued unless the contract or agreement for the
114 use of the property for the purposes of such housing provides for the recording of a deed
115 restriction in the registry of deeds or the registry district of the land court of the county in which
116 the real property is located, for the benefit of the executive office and the departments, running
117 with the land, that the land shall be used to provide community-based housing or supportive
118 housing for eligible individuals as determined by the department of mental health and the
119 department of developmental services; provided, however, that the property shall not be released
120 from such restriction unless: (A) the balance of the principal and interest for the loan has been
121 repaid in full; (B) a mortgage foreclosure deed has been recorded; or (C) the executive office of
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122 housing and livable communities has determined, pursuant to clause (ii) of this item, that
123 repayment to the commonwealth is not required; (iv) be issued for a term not to exceed 30 years,
124 during which time repayment may be deferred by the loan issuing authority; provided, however,
125 that if on the date the loans become due and payable to the commonwealth, an outstanding
126 balance exists and if, on such date, the executive office, in consultation with the executive office
127 of health and human services, determines that there still exists a need for such housing and that
128 there is continued funding available for the provision of services to such development, the
129 executive office may, by agreement with the owner of the development, extend the loans for
130 such periods, each period not to exceed 10 years, as the executive office shall determine;
131 provided further, that the project, whether at the original property, or at an alternative property
132 pursuant to clause (ii) of this item, shall remain affordable housing for the duration of the loan
133 term, including any extension thereof, as set forth in the contract or agreement entered into by
134 the executive office; provided further, that in the event the terms of repayment detailed in this
135 item would cause a project authorized by this item to become ineligible to receive federal
136 financial assistance which would otherwise assist in the development of that project, the
137 executive office may waive the terms of repayment which would cause the project to become
138 ineligible; and (v) have interest rates fixed at a rate, to be determined by the executive office, in
139 consultation with the state treasurer; provided further, that the loans shall be provided only for
140 projects conforming to this item; provided further, that the loans shall be issued in accordance
141 with a facilities consolidation plan prepared by the secretary of health and human services,
142 reviewed and approved by the executive office and filed with the secretary of administration and
143 finance, the house and senate committees on ways and means, the joint committee on bonding,
144 capital expenditures and state assets and the joint committee on housing; provided further, that
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145 no expenditure shall be made from this item without the prior approval of the secretary of
146 administration and finance; provided further, that the executive office of housing and livable
147 communities, the department of mental health and the Community Economic Development
148 Assistance Corporation may identify appropriate financing mechanisms and guidelines for grants
149 or loans from this item to promote private development to produce housing, to provide for
150 independent integrated living opportunities, to write down building and operating costs and to
151 serve households at or below 15 per cent of the area median income for the benefit of department
152 of mental health clients; provided further, that funds expended from this item shall, to the
153 maximum extent feasible, be prioritized for projects that comply with decarbonization and
154 sustainability standards; provided further, that prioritization shall be determined through
155 objective scoring criteria in the Qualified Allocation Plan developed by the executive office of
156 housing and livable communities; provided further, that for new construction projects, the
157 standards set forth in the commonwealth’s Opt-in Specialized Energy Code in 225 CMR 22.00
158 and 23.00 and the Enterprise Green Communities standards shall be the applicable standards for
159 prioritization; provided further, that any project proposing less than full compliance with said
160 standards shall provide detailed analysis demonstrating why full compliance would render the
161 project infeasible notwithstanding utilization of all available federal and state incentives,
162 including rebates and tax credits; provided further, that for retrofits of existing units,
163 prioritization shall be given to projects that include energy efficiency and electrification
164 decarbonization measures, including, but not limited to electric or ground source heat pumps,
165 net-zero developments, Passive House or equivalent energy efficiency certification, and all-
166 electric buildings and projects that incorporate green, sustainable and climate-resilient elements;
167 provided further, that projects that include lower embodied carbon construction materials and
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168 methods shall be further prioritized; provided further, that not