The digest printed below was prepared by House Legislative Services. It constitutes no part of the
legislative instrument. The keyword, one-liner, abstract, and digest do not constitute part of the law
or proof or indicia of legislative intent. [R.S. 1:13(B) and 24:177(E)]
HCR 81 Reengrossed 2024 Regular Session Echols
Establishes a task force to study and make recommendations on ways to increase the number of
retirement communities in La.
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Commerce to the original bill:
1. Make technical changes.
2. Clarify that the member appointed from AARP be from Louisiana AARP.
3. Remove the member from the Gardens of Somerset and replace him with a member
appointed by the chair of the House Committee on Commerce from the retirement
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on House and Governmental
Affairs to the engrossed concurrent resolution:
1. Provide that the member from the retirement community appointed by the House
commerce committee chairman shall serve as chair of the task force.