The original instrument and the following digest, which constitutes no part of the
legislative instrument, were prepared by Matt DeVille.
SB 502 Reengrossed 2024 Regular Session Miguez
Present law provides any record of the office of the governor pertaining to the schedule of the
governor, his spouse, or his child that contains security details that if made public may impair the
safety of the governor, his spouse, or his child may be held confidential for a period not to exceed
seven days following the scheduled event.
Present law further provides that nothing shall be interpreted or construed in a manner to make
confidential all records concerning a meeting or event that the governor attends and transportation
related thereto and that the governor may keep a record concerning a meeting or event that the
governor attends and transportation thereto privileged for a period not to exceed seven days after the
occurrence of the meeting or event.
Proposed law removes the provision of present law that limits holding records related to the schedule
of the governor or his spouse or child confidential to a period of seven days but otherwise retains
present law.
Effective August 1, 2024.
(Amends R.S. 44:5(B)(4))
Summary of Amendments Adopted by Senate
Senate Floor Amendments to engrossed bill
1. Make technical changes.
2. Provide that any record of the office of the governor pertaining to the schedule of the
governor, his spouse, or his child that contains security details that if made public
may impair the safety of the governor or the governor's spouse or child may be held

Statutes affected:
SB502 Reengrossed: 44:5(B)(4)