Abstract: Includes providing for electioneering communications in the definitions of contribution
and expenditure for purposes of the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act.
Present law for purposes of the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act (CFDA) provides that
"contribution" includes a gift, conveyance, payment, or deposit of money or anything of value, or
the forgiveness of a loan or of a debt, made for the purpose of supporting, opposing, or otherwise
influencing the nomination or election of a person to public office, for the purpose of supporting or
opposing a proposition or question submitted to the voters, or for the purpose of supporting or
opposing the recall of a public officer, whether made before or after the election. Present law
provides that "expenditure" includes the purchase, payment, advance, deposit, or gift, of money or
anything of value made for the purpose of supporting, opposing, or otherwise influencing the
nomination or election of a person to public office, for the purpose of supporting or opposing a
proposition or question submitted to the voters, or for the purpose of supporting or opposing the
recall of a public officer, whether made before or after the election.
Proposed law changes the phrase "otherwise influencing the nomination or election of a person to
public office" to "providing for an electioneering communication in order to influence the
nomination or election of a person to public office" in the above definitions and otherwise retains
present law. Proposed law defines "electioneering communication" as
the advertisement, transmission, or distribution of any oral, visual, digital, or written material
containing any image, audio, video, or identity of a candidate to an audience that includes members
of the electorate for the office the candidate seeks made within thirty days before an election for the
office the candidate is seeking and that to a reasonable person appears to be advocating for the
election or defeat of one or more candidates in the election.
(Amends R.S. 18:1483(6)(a) and (9)(a); Adds R.S. 18:1483(21))

Statutes affected:
HB898 Original: 18:1483(6)
HB898 Engrossed: 18:1483(6)
HB898 Enrolled: 18:1483(6)