This bill amends R.S. 37:1270(A)(8) to establish specific continuing education requirements for physicians and physician assistants who practice emergency medicine, particularly regarding the treatment of sickle cell disease. The Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners is granted the authority to require these practitioners to complete an initial one-hour continuing education course on sickle cell disease treatment. Following this initial course, they must also complete a one-hour refresher course at least every three years.

The bill emphasizes the importance of education in managing sickle cell disease and mandates that the courses be approved by the board and made accessible on its website. This legislative change aims to enhance the knowledge and skills of emergency medical practitioners in treating patients with this condition, thereby improving patient care and outcomes.

Statutes affected:
HB869 Original: 37:1270(A)(8)
HB869 Engrossed: 37:1270(A)(8)
HB869 Enrolled: 37:1270(A)(8)
HB869 Act 744: 37:1270(A)(8)