This bill amends the capital outlay process in Louisiana, specifically addressing the requirements for matching funds for nonstate capital outlay projects. It increases the population threshold for parishes to qualify for a waiver of the matching fund requirement from 7,500 to 12,000 residents. Additionally, the bill stipulates that when determining the population of a municipality or parish for this waiver, the count will exclude correctional facility inmates who are in custody of federal, state, or local agencies.
The bill also outlines that the division of administration has the discretion to waive the entire match or a portion of it for municipalities with populations under 6,000 or parishes meeting the new population threshold, provided they demonstrate an inability to provide a local match. The provisions of this act will apply to nonstate entity projects included in the capital outlay budget for fiscal years starting on or after July 1, 2025, and ending before June 30, 2027.
Statutes affected: HB857 Original: 39:112(E)(2)
HB857 Engrossed: 39:112(E)(2)
HB857 Reengrossed: 39:112(E)(2)
HB857 Enrolled: 39:112(E)(2)
HB857 Act 741: 39:112(E)(2)