Abstract: Provides for liability for damages caused by livestock that escape an enclosure.
Present law provides that the owner of an animal is answerable for the damages caused by an animal
upon showing that he knew or in the exercise of reasonable care should have known that the animal
would cause damage.
Proposed law extends present law to include livestock.
Present law provides that the owner of a dog is liable for injuries caused by the dog which the owner
could have prevented and which did not result from provocation of the dog.
Proposed law retains present law.
Proposed law provides that the owner of livestock is not liable for damages for injuries to person or
property for livestock that escape an enclosure due to a fortuitous event, no fault of the owner, or
third-party provocation of the livestock.
(Amends C.C. Art. 2321)
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Civil Law and Procedure to the
original bill:
1. Make technical changes.
2. Remove reference to strict liability.
3. Specify that livestock owners are not liable for livestock that escape under certain factors
listed in proposed law.
The House Floor Amendments to the engrossed bill:
1. Make a technical change.