The original instrument was prepared by James Benton. The following digest, which
does not constitute a part of the legislative instrument, was prepared by Thomas L.
SB 364 Reengrossed 2024 Regular Session Harris
Present law (R.S. 33:2740.3) provides for the creation of the Downtown Development District of
the city of New Orleans. The purpose of the district is to provide for the orderly planning,
development, acquisition, construction, and effectuation of the services, improvements, and facilities
within the district.
Proposed law retains present law.
Present law provides that the council of the city of New Orleans, or its successor, shall have power
and control over, and responsibility for, the functions, affairs and administration of the district.
Proposed law deletes this provision of present law.
Present law provides that the board shall be composed of 11 members.
Proposed law retains present law.
Proposed law changes present law so that the members of the board of commissioners are appointed
as follows:
(1) Two of the members shall be appointed by the mayor.
(2) One of the members shall be appointed by the New Orleans city council member
representing City Council District B.
(3) One of the members shall be appointed by New Orleans & Company.
(4) Two of the members shall be appointed by the New Orleans Chamber of Commerce.
(5) One of the members shall be appointed by the Greater New Orleans Hotel and Lodging
(6) One of the members shall be appointed by the Louisiana Restaurant Association.
(7) One of the members shall be appointed by the member or members of the La. House of
Representatives who represent the district.
(8) Two of the members shall be appointed by the member or members of the La. Senate who
represent the district.
Present law provides that the members of the board initially appointed by the mayor shall be
appointed as follows:
(1) Two members for one year each.
(2) Two members for two years each.
(3) Two members for three years each.
(4) Two members for four years each.
(5) One member for five years.
Present law provides that the length of the term for each individual appointed to be determined by
lot. They shall serve until their successors have been appointed and qualified.
Proposed law provides that upon the first meeting, the members of the board shall be randomly
allotted terms as follows:
(1) Three members for one year each.
(2) Three members for two years each.
(3) Three members for three years each.
(4) Two members for four years.
Proposed law provides that each board member shall be required to annually provide an affidavit
attesting that he has a principal place of business or own property in the Downtown Development
Present law provides that the board shall prepare a plan or plans specifying the public improvements,
facilities and services proposed to be furnished, constructed or acquired for the district, and it shall
conduct public hearings to disseminate such information.
Proposed law retains present law and adds public safety services and reducing homelessness to the
list of specifications that shall be included in the prepared plan or plans.
Proposed law provides that the board shall conduct an annual presentation to the New Orleans city
council regarding expenditures.
Present law provides that the board shall also submit the plan to the planning commission of the city
of New Orleans. Proposed law deletes this provision of present law.
Present law provides that after receipt of the plan together with the written comments and
recommendations of the city planning commission, the city council shall review and consider the
plan, together with such written comments and recommendations. Proposed law deletes this
provision of present law.
Present law provides that the board may prepare and submit directly to the city council a plan or
plans setting forth its intention to employ professional consultants and experts and such other
advisors and personnel as it deems necessary. Proposed law deletes this provision of present law.
Present law provides that all services to be furnished within the district pursuant to any plan, shall
be furnished, supplied, and administered by the city of New Orleans. All capital improvements and
facilities to be acquired, constructed, or provided within the district, shall likewise be so acquired,
constructed, or provided by the city of New Orleans.
Proposed law retains present law but makes the furnishing of any adopted plan by the Downtown
Development District to the city of New Orleans permissive as opposed to mandatory.
Present law provides that, with the prior approval of the mayor and the city council, when the service
sought is not ordinarily provided by the city of New Orleans, the board may contract with other
entities in accordance with the approval of the mayor and the city council.
Proposed law changes present law to forego the need for prior approval of the city of New Orleans
and allows the board to contract with other entities.
Proposed law provides that any additional security patrols, public or private, or any other security
or other services or betterments provided by the district shall be supplemental to existing personnel
and services to be provided in the district by the state or the city of New Orleans, or their
departments or agencies, or by other political subdivisions.
Proposed law provides that the district may procure by informal bid, a public work with a value of
$150,000 or less.
Effective upon signature of the governor or lapse of time for gubernatorial action.
(Amends R.S. 33:2740.3)
Summary of Amendments Adopted by Senate
Committee Amendments Proposed by Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs to
the original bill
1. Makes changes the membership of the board of commissioners of the district.
2. Requires an affidavit by each board member that he has a principal place of business
or own property in the Downtown Development District be submitted annually.
3. Provides that any additional security patrols, public or private, or any other security
or other services or betterments provided by the district shall be supplemental to
existing personnel and services to be provided in the district by the state or the city
of New Orleans, or their departments or agencies, or by other political subdivisions.
4. Provides that the district may procure by informal bid, a public work with a value of
$150,000 or less.
Senate Floor Amendments to engrossed bill
1. Provides for initial staggered terms.
2. Technical amendment.

Statutes affected:
SB364 Original: 33:3(B), 33:3(J)
SB364 Engrossed: 33:3(B), 33:3(J)
SB364 Reengrossed:
SB364 Enrolled:
SB364 Act 520:
Senate Floor Bureau Note, #1778, Harris, Jimmy, Adopted: