The bill amends existing laws regarding proprietary schools in Louisiana, specifically focusing on the licensing and minimum standards for instructors. It modifies the requirements for an initial license by removing the necessity for a current audited balance sheet prepared by an independent certified public accountant, instead allowing for a standard balance sheet. Additionally, the bill changes the minimum documented occupational experience required for instructors in technical or occupational courses from four years to three years, while maintaining the requirement for a high school diploma or equivalent and relevant certifications or training.

The effective date of the bill is contingent upon the governor's signature or, if not signed, the expiration of the time for bills to become law without signature. If the bill is vetoed and later approved by the legislature, it will take effect the day after such approval.

Statutes affected:
SB363 Original: 17:4(A)(1)
SB363 Engrossed: 17:3(C)(4), 17:4(A)(1)
SB363 Enrolled: 17:3(C)(4), 17:4(A)(1)
SB363 Act 338: 17:3(C)(4), 17:4(A)(1)