ACT 482 (SB 343) 2024 Regular Session Barrow
Existing law provides for the "Campus Accountability and Safety Act" that requires each
responsible employee of the public colleges and universities report to the Title IX
coordinator, with respect to power-based violence. The chancellor of each institution is to
submit a report to the institution's management board within 14-days of receiving the report
pursuant from the Title IX coordinator. Requires each criminal justice agency, including
college and university campus police departments, to provide written notification if it does
not have any sexually-oriented criminal offenses reported, any reported sexual assault
collection kits in its possession, or any unreported sexual assault collection kits in its
possession. Requires a report as to the number of employees and confidential advisors for
each campus and the number and percentage of those who have completed required annual
training and requires the report of each college or university as well as their management
board and to be posted on both websites. The incidents of power-based violence are to be
reported to each criminal justice agency, including college and university campus police
departments, and to the La. Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of
Criminal Justice. The incidents report will contain all of the following:
(1) The number of sexually-oriented criminal offenses reported.
(2) The status of each sexually-oriented criminal offense case reported.
(3) The number of sexual assault collection kits submitted for analysis.
(4) The number of reported sexual assault collection kits requiring analysis.
(5) The number of reported sexual assault collection kits received.
(6) The number of unreported sexual assault collection kits received.
(7) The number of reported sexual assault collection kits that were untested due to
judicial or investigative reasons.
New law retains existing law and clarifies that the report containing the incidents that were
actually reported to the college and universities. Deletes the responsibility of posting the
number and percentage of employees and confidential advisors who complete the required
annual training from each college or university solely to the management board of each
college or university on the respective management board's website and requires the report
to be submitted by January 30th and annually thereafter.
Existing law requires that the Board of Regents, in consultation with the La. Power-Based
Violence Review Panel, to annually submit a report to the governor, the president of the La.
Senate, the speaker of the La. House of Representatives, and the Senate and House Education
Committees and the Senate select committees on women and children by January 15th and
the report is to include system-wide and statewide information. The report is to also include
any recommendations for legislation. The report is to be published on the website of the
Board of Regents.
New law retains existing law and changes the annual reporting deadline from January 15th
to February 28th.
Effective June 3, 2024.
(Amends R.S. 17:3399.13.1 (A), (C), (E), and (F) and adds R.S. 17:3399.13.1(G))