RDCSB302 4563 3500
The digest printed below was prepared by House Legislative Services. It constitutes no part
of the legislative instrument. The keyword, one-liner, abstract, and digest do not constitute
part of the law or proof or indicia of legislative intent. [R.S. 1:13(B) and 24:177(E)]
SB 302 Reengrossed 2024 Regular Session Cathey
Present law authorizes law enforcement officers of the state or any political subdivision to
operate video recording equipment and monitors in their law enforcement vehicles while in
the performance of their duties.
Present law further provides law enforcement are prohibited from recording vehicles in
violation of traffic safety laws with citations for such violations to be mailed to the alleged
violator at a later date.
Proposed law clarifies present law to specify officers cannot record vehicles in violation of
traffic safety laws and mail citations at a later date.
Proposed law provides for definitions for electronic enforcement device relative to local
municipal authorities and local parish authorities.
Proposed law prohibits use of handheld or manned devices in school zones for the purpose
of issuing a citation by mail except during certain hours before and after school on days
children are in school. Proposed law further provides revenue generated as a result of
handheld and manned devices used in school zones is divided with the applicable school
Proposed law requires that any jurisdiction that submits a local match waiver for capital
outlay must disclose the amount of revenue collected from handheld traffic cameras or it will
be subject to its local match waiver being revoked.
Proposed law provides for strict requirements on when handheld or manned, automated
speed enforcement devices or mobile speed cameras may be used by local municipal
authorities or local parish authorities.
Proposed law provides the use of handheld or manned devices for the purpose of issuing a
citation violation by mail will not result in a criminal penalty or fine.
Proposed law further provides failing to pay the citation can not result in criminal fines or
fees and cannot be reported to credit bureaus.
Proposed law provides that each local municipal authority or local parish authority that
utilizes automated speed enforcement devices, red light cameras, or mobile speed cameras,
for which a citation is issued by mail establish an administrative hearing process for
motorists to appeal the citation violation.
Proposed law provides for minimum requirements for the administrative appeal hearing for
local municipal authorities and local parish authorities to establish for the use of automated
speed enforcement devices, red light cameras, or mobile speed cameras.
Specifies that no local ordinance can supersede the provisions of this Act.
Effective upon signature of the governor or lapse of time for gubernatorial action.
(Amends R.S. 32:365(B); Adds R.S. 32:46, 47, and 48)
Summary of Amendments Adopted by Senate
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RDCSB302 4563 3500
Committee Amendments Proposed by Senate Committee on Transportation,
Highways, and Public Works to the original bill
1. Removes changes to present law regulations on automated speed
enforcement devices and mobile speed cameras.
2. Adds requirements for electronic enforcement devices in school zones.
3. Adds restrictions for use of handheld or manned devices.
4. Adds a process for administrative hearings.
5. Makes technical changes.
Senate Floor Amendments to engrossed bill
1. Makes technical changes.
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Transportation,
Highways and Public Works to the reengrossed bill:
1. Add a requirement for jurisdictions that submit a local match waiver for capital
outlay to disclose the amount of revenue collected from handheld traffic cameras
and provide that failure to do so will subject the jurisdiction to its waiver being
2. Add a provision that prohibits local ordinances from superseding the provisions
of this Act.
3. Make technical changes.
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Statutes affected:
SB302 Original: 32:43(B), 32:365(B)
SB302 Engrossed: 32:365(B)
SB302 Reengrossed: 32:365(B)
SB302 Enrolled: 32:365(B)
SB302 Act 103: 32:365(B)