Abstract: Provides that the Supervisory Committee on Campaign Finance Disclosure and Board
of Ethics shall bring or join in actions for the objection to candidacy against local candidates,
municipal candidates, candidates for a political party committee, or state candidates other
than candidates for federal office
Present law requires the Supervisory Committee on Campaign Finance Disclosure to bring or join
in an action objecting to the candidacy of a person who qualified as a candidate in a primary election
on the grounds that the candidate falsely certified on his notice of candidacy that he does not owe
any outstanding fines, fees, or penalties pursuant to the Campaign Finance Disclosure Act.
Present law requires the Bd. of Ethics to bring or join in an action objecting to the candidacy of a
person who qualified as a candidate in a primary election for an office on the grounds that the
candidate falsely certified on his notice of candidacy that he does not owe any outstanding fines,
fees, or penalties pursuant to the Code of Governmental Ethics.
Present law requires the Bd. of Ethics to bring or join in an action filed on the grounds that the
candidate is prohibited by law from becoming a candidate for one or more of the offices for which
he qualified because he had been appointed by a municipal or parish governing authority to fill the
vacancy in the same office for which he is a candidate.
Proposed law retains present law and provides that the Supervisory Committee on Campaign Finance
Disclosure and Bd. of Ethics shall bring or join in such actions against any local candidate, municipal
candidate, candidate for a political party committee, or state candidate other than a candidate for
federal office.
(Amends R.S. 18:491(C)(intro. para.))

Statutes affected:
HB697 Original: 18:491(C)
HB697 Engrossed: 18:491(C)