Abstract: Modifies relative to fraudulent insurance acts and provides for the commissioner of
insurance's subpoena powers.
Present law defines "fraudulent insurance act". Proposed law retains present law and includes as a
"fraudulent insurance act" a person's presentation of a statement, estimate, invoice, or other related
document to an insurer or insured that misrepresents the scope of damages or costs of repairs
associated with a property insurance claim.
Present law outlines additional fraudulent insurance acts. Proposed law deletes present law.
Present law authorizes the commissioner of insurance (commissioner) to subpoena persons for
attendance at hearings or investigation proceedings. Proposed law retains present law.
Proposed law further authorizes the commissioner to issue subpoenas to compel persons or entities
to appear when he receives information that gives reason to believe that such person or entity
possesses or controls documentary or non-documentary information relevant to an investigation for
a possible violation of fraud pursuant to present law.
Proposed law requires the commissioner to serve subpoenas in the same manner as if issued by a
district court.
(Amends R.S. 22:1923(intro. para.) and (2)(intro. para.), 1964(13), and 2198(A); Adds R.S.
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Insurance to the original bill:
1. Modify proposed law to provide that a "fraudulent insurance act" includes a person's
presentation of a statement, estimate, invoice, bid, proposal, proof of loss, or any other
document to an insurer or insured that misrepresents the scope of damages or costs of
repairs associated with a property insurance claim.
2. Make technical changes.

Statutes affected:
HB651 Original: 22:1923, 22:1964(13), 22:2198(A)
HB651 Engrossed: 22:1923, 22:1964(13), 22:2198(A)
HB651 Enrolled: 22:1923, 22:1964(13), 22:2198(A)
HB651 Act : 22:1923, 22:1964(13), 22:2198(A)