Fiscal Note
Fiscal Note On: SB 227 SLS 24RS 134
Bill Text Version: ENROLLED
Opp. Chamb. Action:
Proposed Amd.:
Sub. Bill For.:
Date: May 22, 2024 10:50 AM Author: HODGES
Dept./Agy.: LCLE/ORM/LMA/State Police/LDWF/Sheriffs
Subject: Training Requirements-Part-Time and Reserve Peace Analyst: Daniel Druilhet
Provides for training requirements for part-time and reserve peace officers. (gov sig)
Current law provides that to be certified as a level one basic law enforcement peace officer, all persons must successfully complete a
minimum of 400 hours of core curriculum for for basic peace officers as prescribed by the Council on Peace Officer Standards and Training
(P.O.S.T.), regardless of previous law enforcement experience; provides exceptions to the 400 hours of core curriculum training
requirements for certain officers employed or who volunteered before 1/01/86 and other exceptions for officers who were employed or
volunteered prior to 1/01/22; requires all peace officers to complete a minimum of 20 hours of additional in-service training prescribed by
the council annually, beginning the year after the officer has taken 400 hours of training and gained P.O.S.T. certification; requires all
initial P.O.S.T. training be completed within the first year after receiving P.O.S.T. certification and annually; requires the council to modify,
extend, or waive in-service training requirements on a case-by-case basis, under certain circumstances; provides that requests for
modifications, extensions, or waivers of in-service training be in writing submitted from the agency head to the council. Proposed law
requires persons beginning part-time or reserve officer employment on or after 1/01/22 to successfully complete a certified training
program approved by the P.O.S.T. council and pass a comprehensive examination within 3 years from the date of initial employment.
EXPENDITURES 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 5 -YEAR TOTAL
State Gen. Fd. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Agy. Self-Gen. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Ded./Other $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Federal Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Annual Total
REVENUES 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 5 -YEAR TOTAL
State Gen. Fd. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Agy. Self-Gen. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Ded./Other $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Federal Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Local Funds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Annual Total $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Proposed law will likely result in an indeterminable increase in Local Funds expenditures to municipal police departments, associated with
an expected increase in police professional liability insurance premiums assessed to municipalities. Police professional liability insurance
premiums are estimated to increase, to the extent that part-time or reserve peace officers are provided an extended amount of time
(three years versus one year) to complete training, certification, and examination requirements imposed by the Council on Peace Officer
Standards and Training. The proposed law also has the effect of exempting reserve and part-time peace officers from having to complete
20 hours of in-service training annually.
Note: Risk Management, Inc., which provides police professional liability coverage for 163 of the 303 municipalities within the state,
estimates that enacting the proposed law would result in increases in financial exposures of no less than 35%, along with an increase in
additional premiums associated with this projected exposure. Risk Management, Inc., currently assesses an annual premium of $2.4 M to
municipalities for which it provides police professional liability coverage, and estimates that it would be required to assess an additional
premium of $974,481 to cover the additional exposure it expects with the enactment of the proposed law. This estimate was not based on
actuarial analysis, but the additional premiums assessed to municipal police departments would result in an increase of local funds
expenditures to address any expected increase in financial exposure.
The proposed law will result in a reallocation of costs by law enforcement agencies, as it extends the time required for part-time or reserve
peace officers to be certified by the P.O.S.T. Council from one year to three years. While there will be no costs involved in delaying the
certification requirement, the annual cost to train a number of officers in a single year could be spread out over a period of three years.
Any potential cost reallocations to these municipalities is indeterminable, as the costs related to salaries are variable, and there is no way
to determine the number of part-time and reserve officers that would be employed by municipal police departments with an extended
period of time to complete P.O.S.T. Council training.
There is no anticipated direct material effect on governmental revenues as a result of this measure.
Senate Dual Referral Rules House
x 13.5.1 >= $100,000 Annual Fiscal Cost {S & H} 6.8(F)(1) >= $100,000 SGF Fiscal Cost {H & S}
13.5.2 >= $500,000 Annual Tax or Fee Patrice Thomas
6.8(G) >= $500,000 Tax or Fee Increase
Change {S & H} or a Net Fee Decrease {S} Deputy Fiscal Officer

Statutes affected:
SB227 Original: 40:2(A), 40:2405(A)(1)
SB227 Engrossed: 40:2(B)(1), 40:2405(A)(1)
SB227 Enrolled: 40:2405(A)(1)
SB227 Act 322: 40:2405(A)(1)