The original instrument and the following digest, which constitutes no part of the
legislative instrument, were prepared by Matt DeVille.
SB 217 Engrossed 2024 Regular Session Miguez
Present law defines the terms "federal election", "federal office", "immediate family", "parish
governing authority" or "governing authority of the parish", "party affiliation" and "affiliation with
a political party", "Party primary office", "polling place", "primary election", "signature", "under an
order of imprisonment", "voter registration agency", "voting district", and "ward".
Proposed law retains present law and defines the term "deep fake" as synthetic media created with
the intent to mislead or deceive others which depicts a candidate via video, image, or sound
recording without his consent, except for any media which conspicuously displays a notice clearly
identifying that the media is computer generated or not a genuine depiction of a person or events.
Effective August 1, 2024.
(Amends R.S. 18:2(2-15); adds R.S. 18:2(16))
Summary of Amendments Adopted by Senate
Committee Amendments Proposed by Senate Committee on Senate and Governmental
Affairs to the original bill
1. Define the term "deep fake".
2. Make technical changes.

Statutes affected:
SB217 Original: 18:2(2)
SB217 Engrossed: 18:2(2)