Abstract: Provides relative to certain designated labor organization activities in employment
Proposed law defines "employment contract", "public employee", "public employer", "labor
organization", and "designated labor organization activities".
Proposed law prohibits a public employer from expending any public funds, including payment for
any public employee benefit, for the performance of designated labor organization activities.
Proposed law prohibits a public employer from entering into any employment contract with any
public employee or labor organization and from enacting any policy or engaging in any practice that
provides compensation, including paid leave, for the performance of designated labor organization
Proposed law declares any employment contract, policy, or practice that authorizes or provides
compensation to a public employee for designated labor organization activities against public policy
and considers it null and void.
Proposed law provides that proposed law does not:
(1) Apply to any existing employment contract in effect before the effective date of proposed
law; however, an existing contract shall not be renewed or extended if the contract includes
terms that conflict with proposed law.
(2) Prohibit any public employee or labor organization from engaging in or performing any
designated labor organization activities that are defined in proposed law.
Proposed law allows the attorney general or district attorney to enforce the provisions of proposed
law in the parish where designated labor organizations activities are performed.
Proposed law provides that any taxpayer within the jurisdiction in which a violation of proposed law
occurs has standing to bring an action against any public employer for violation of proposed law.
Proposed law further provides that if a court finds that a public employer has violated provisions of
proposed law, the court shall award reasonable attorney fees and costs to the party who brought the
Proposed law provides that the prohibition against private use of public funds is a matter of statewide
concern and is necessary to enforce the constitution and laws of this state. Proposed law further
provides that the prohibition against private use of public monies shall not be subject to inconsistent
regulation by any public employer.
Proposed law provides that provisions of proposed law shall preempt all inconsistent rules,
regulations, codes, ordinances, policies, or other laws adopted by any public employer.
Proposed law exempts law enforcement and firefighter services to the applicability of proposed law.
(Adds R.S. 23:984.1)
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Labor and Industrial Relations
to the original bill:
1. Add charter schools to the definition of public employer.
2. Allow, instead of require, the attorney general or district attorney to enforce the
provisions of proposed law.