ACT 702 (HB 516) 2024 Regular Session Mack
Existing law establishes the La. Geologic Sequestration of Carbon Dioxide Act, which
provides for definitions, authority of the commissioner of conservation, and requirements for
the injection of carbon dioxide and for carbon dioxide storage facilities.
New law adds definitions for "area of review" and "geologic sequestration project".
Existing law establishes recordation requirements relative to carbon dioxide storage
New law adds requirements for permitted storage facility owners and operators to record the
following documents with the clerk of court for any parish included in the area of review for
the facility:
(1) Notice of Class VI permit.
(2) Maps of the area of review identifying certain features, including wells, faults, bodies
of water, aquifers, structures for human occupancy, roads, and state boundaries, but
only to the extent such information is already required by administrative rules.
New law further provides that any party recording maps must notify appropriate local
governing authorities within 30 days of recordation.
New law prohibits the commissioner of conservation from permitting a Class VI injection
wellhead within 500 feet of any school, health care facility, or inhabited dwelling not owned
by the operator or an owner in interest under a contract that allows for location of the
wellhead within 500 feet.
New law requires storage facilities to have an emergency and remedial response plan in place
prior to injection, as required by administrative rules, and requires storage facility owners and
operators to provide parish governing authorities with a copy of the plan.
New law further requires that emergency and remedial response plans include continuing
training programs for operating and maintenance personnel regarding potential hazards, risk
scenarios, and response actions.
New law requires that storage facility owners and operators conduct periodic testing and
monitoring of ground water quality above the confining zone and report semi-annually to the
office of conservation regarding such testing and monitoring.
Effective upon signature of governor (June 19, 2024).
(Amends R.S. 30:1112; Adds R.S. 30:1103(14) and (15), 1107.2, 1113, and 1114)

Statutes affected:
HB516 Original:
HB516 Engrossed:
HB516 Reengrossed:
HB516 Enrolled:
HB516 Act 702: