RDCSB181 4747 5205
The digest printed below was prepared by House Legislative Services. It constitutes no part
of the legislative instrument. The keyword, one-liner, abstract, and digest do not constitute
part of the law or proof or indicia of legislative intent. [R.S. 1:13(B) and 24:177(E)]
SB 181 Reengrossed 2024 Regular Session Morris
Present constitution provides that unclassified positions in the state and city civil service
system include: elected officials and persons appointed to fill vacancies in elective offices,
the heads of each principal executive department appointed by the governor, the mayor, or
the governing authority of a city, city attorneys, registrars of voters, members of state and
city boards, authorities, and commissions, one private secretary to the president of each
college or university, one person holding a confidential position and one principal assistant
or deputy to any officer, board, commission, or authority as provided in present constitution,
members of the military or naval forces, teaching and professional staffs, and administrative
officers of schools, colleges, and universities of the state, and bona fide students of those
institutions employed by any state, parochial, or municipal agency, employees, deputies, and
officers of the legislature and of the offices of the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney
general, each mayor and city attorney, of police juries, school boards, assessors, and of all
offices provided for in present constitution except the offices of clerk of the municipal and
traffic courts in New Orleans, commissioners of elections, watchers, and custodians and
deputy custodians of voting machines, railroad employees whose working conditions and
retirement benefits are regulated by federal agencies in accordance with federal law, and the
director, deputy director, and all employees of the Governor's Office of Homeland Security
and Emergency Preparedness.
Proposed constitutional amendment retains present constitution as to the designation of
unclassified civil service positions.
Present constitutional amendment further provides that additional positions may be added
to the unclassified service and those positions may be revoked by rules adopted by a
Proposed constitutional amendment retains present constitution and further provides that
positions may be removed from the classified service as provided by law.
Present constitution provides that the State Civil Service Commission shall be composed of
seven members who are electors of the state and that four members constitute a quorum.
Proposed constitutional amendment retains present constitution.
Present constitutional amendment requires at least one appointed member to be from each
congressional district and provides that an appointment of a member from the state at large
is permitted only when the membership of the body includes a member from each
congressional district.
Proposed constitutional amendment requires at least one member to be appointed from each
congressional district.
Present constitution provides that members are appointed by the governor, with consent of
the Senate, for overlapping terms of six years.
Proposed constitutional amendment provides that members are appointed by the governor,
with consent of the Senate, for overlapping terms of four years.
Present constitution provides that no person who has served as a commission member for
more than two and one-half terms in three consecutive terms shall be appointed for the
succeeding term.
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RDCSB181 4747 5205
Proposed constitutional amendment provides that no member shall serve more than two full
Present constitution provides that the presidents of Centenary College at Shreveport, Dillard
University at New Orleans, Louisiana College at Pineville, Loyola University at New
Orleans, Tulane University of Louisiana at New Orleans, and Xavier University at New
Orleans each shall nominate three persons for consideration by the governor for appointment
to the State Civil Service Commission.
Present constitution further provides that the governor shall appoint one member of the
commission from the three persons nominated by each president and that one member shall
be elected by the classified employees of the state as provided by law.
Proposed constitutional amendment provides that the governor shall appoint three members
of the commission from the list of nominees submitted by all of the private college
presidents and three members at-large and retains present constitution as to the member
elected by the classified employees of the state.
Proposed constitutional amendment requires the governor to assign terms of one, two, three,
and four years to each member in office on Jan. 1, 2025. Further provides that a member
who has served more than eight years is no longer eligible to serve.
Specifies submission of the amendment to the voters at the statewide election to be held on
Dec. 7, 2024.
(Amends Const. Art. X, Sec. 2(B) and 3(B) and (C))
Summary of Amendments Adopted by Senate
Senate Floor Amendments to engrossed bill
1. Make technical changes.
2. Provide that positions may be removed from the classified service as
provided by law.
3. Provide for the method of appointment of members of the State Civil Service
Commission and the filling of certain vacancies.
4. Provide for term limits of members of the State Civil Service Commission.
5. Revise the ballot language.
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Civil Law and
Procedure to the reengrossed bill:
1. Change term limit for members of the State Civil Service Commission from
three six-year terms to two four-year terms.
2. Provide that the governor shall assign staggered terms of up to four years for
each member of the commission in office on Jan. 1, 2025.
3. Change the election date from Nov. 5, 2024, to Dec. 7, 2024.
4. Change the ballot language.
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