The original instrument and the following digest, which constitutes no part of the
legislative instrument, were prepared by Heather McKnight.
SB 146 Engrossed 2024 Regular Session Luneau
Present law provides for the authority of the legislative auditor to examine, audit, inspect or copy all
books, accounts, papers, documents, records, files, instruments, films, tapes, and any other formats
of records, including confidential items, with the qualification that the legislative auditor shall
comply with any and all restrictions imposed by law on documents, data, or information deemed
confidential by law and furnished to the legislative auditor.
Proposed law retains present law and further provides that the legislative auditor shall also have
authority to examine, audit, inspect or copy documents, data, or information deemed privileged,
except for records subject to an evidentiary privilege as provided for in the Code of Evidence or
where the legislative auditor's access to such records is expressly prohibited by law.
Effective August 1, 2024.
(Amends R.S. 24:513(I))

Statutes affected:
SB146 Original: 24:513(I)
SB146 Engrossed: 24:513(I)