The original instrument and the following digest, which constitutes no part of the
legislative instrument, were prepared by James Benton.
SB 136 Engrossed 2024 Regular Session Talbot
Present law creates the Ernest N. Morial-New Orleans Exhibition Hall Authority (convention center
authority). The purpose of the convention center authority is to acquire, construct, reconstruct,
extend, improve, maintain, and operate projects within the city of New Orleans in order to promote
the economic growth and development of the city and its neighboring parishes.
Present law provides that except as otherwise provided, all persons who are appointed to the board
must be residents of, or have their principal place of business in, the parish of Orleans, with the
exception of two members who shall be a resident of or have their principal place of business in the
state of Louisiana.
Proposed law changes present law so that all persons who are appointed to the board must be
residents of, or have their principal place of business in, the state of Louisiana.
Effective upon signature of the governor or lapse of time for gubernatorial action.
(Amends R.S. 33:4710.12(B))
Summary of Amendments Adopted by Senate
Committee Amendments Proposed by Senate Committee on Local and Municipal Affairs to
the original bill
1. Allows two members of the board to reside outside of the parish of Orleans, provided
they are residents or have their principal place of business in the state of Louisiana.

Statutes affected:
SB136 Original: 33:12(B)
SB136 Engrossed: 33:12(B)
SB136 Enrolled: 33:12(B)
SB136 Act 506: 33:12(B)