ACT 557 (HB 356) 2024 Regular Session Boyd
Existing law (C.Cr.P. Art. 572) provides that no person shall be prosecuted, tried, or
punished for an offense not punishable by death or life imprisonment, unless the prosecution
is instituted within the following periods of time after the offense has been committed:
(1) Six years, for a felony necessarily punishable by imprisonment at hard labor.
(2) Four years, for a felony not necessarily punishable by imprisonment at hard labor.
(3) Two years, for a misdemeanor punishable by a fine, imprisonment, or both.
(4) Six months, for a misdemeanor punishable only by a fine or forfeiture.
New law provides, as an exception to existing law, that time limitations for the crime of third
degree rape shall not commence until the crime is discovered by the victim.
Effective August 1, 2024.
(Adds C.Cr.P. Art. 573.4)