HB 340 2024 Regular Session Phelps
Present law requires public school governing authorities to adopt rules requiring schools to
notify parents of processes and procedures for making complaints and to provide this
information to parents at the beginning of each school year. Proposed law would have
further required that the rules include the development and implementation of a tracking
system for parental complaints.
(Proposed to amend R.S. 17:172)
"Please be advised that I have vetoed House Bill 340 of the 2024 Regular Session. This bill
requires the governing authority of a local public school to establish a complaint tracking
system for every complaint that a parent makes about school incidents involving their
However, current law already provides comprehensive guidelines for managing parental
complaints. It mandates that the governing authority of a local public school adopt rules and
regulations to notify parents or legal guardians, in writing, of the proper processes and
procedures for making complaints or requesting information. Additionally, each school is
required to annually provide the name, address, phone number, and email address of the
appropriate contact person at each step of the complaint process.
Given that complaint processes already exist at the local school level, and schools are
obligated to provide contact information for complaint status updates, House Bill 340 is
redundant and unnecessary.
For these reasons, House Bill 340 will not become law."

Statutes affected:
HB340 Original:
HB340 Engrossed:
HB340 Enrolled: