The original instrument and the following digest, which constitutes no part of the
legislative instrument, were prepared by Xavier I. Alexander.
SB 86 Engrossed 2024 Regular Session Edmonds
Present law requires the La. State Board of Private Investigator Examiners (board) to assess the
following nonrefundable fees on a private investigator agency:
(1) Application fee - $50.00.
(2) Examination fee - $50.00.
(3) Reexamination fee - $25.00.
(4) Initial license fee - $250.00.
(5) Annual Renewal license fee - $250.00.
(6) Replacement fee for a lost, destroyed, or mutilated license - $25.00.
Proposed law retains present law application fee and license replacement fee and increases the
examination fee from $50 to $100, the reexamination fee from $25 to $50, the initial license fee from
$250 to $300, and the annual renewal license fee from $250 to $300.
Present law requires the board to assess the following nonrefundable fees on a private investigator
or apprentice investigator:
(1) Application fee - $50.00.
(2) Examination fee - $50.00.
(3) Reexamination fee - $25.00.
(4) Initial license fee per investigator or apprentice - $100.00.
(5) Annual Renewal license fee - $100.00.
Proposed law retains present law application fee and increases the examination fee from $50 to $100,
the reexamination fee from $25 to $50, the initial license fee per individual or
apprentice from $100 to $150 and the annual renewal license fee from $100 to $150.
Effective August 1, 2024.
(Amends R.S. 37:3516(A)(1) and (2))

Statutes affected:
SB86 Original: 37:3516(A)(1)
SB86 Engrossed: 37:3516(A)(1)
SB86 Enrolled: 37:3516(A)(1)
SB86 Act : 37:3516(A)(1)