ACT 778 (SB 90) 2024 Regular Session Fields
New law creates the Brookstown Neighborhood Crime Prevention District in EBRP as a
political subdivision of the state for the purpose of aiding in crime prevention and security
of district residents.
New law defines the term "parcel".
New law provides for the governance of the district by a seven member board of
commissioners comprised as follows:
(1) The president of the Brookstown Neighborhood Homeowners Association shall be
an ex officio member.
(2) The board of directors of the Brookstown Neighborhood Homeowners Association
or its successor shall appoint one member.
(3) The member or members of the La. House of Representatives who represent the area
which comprises the district shall appoint one member.
(4) The member or members of the La. Senate who represent the area which comprises
the district shall appoint one member.
(5) The assessor for EBRP shall appoint one member.
(6) The mayor-president shall appoint one member.
(7) The member or members of the metropolitan council who represent the district shall
appoint one member.
New law provides that members of the board shall own property within the district.
New law provides that appointees of the legislature, the assessor, the mayor-president, and
the council shall serve terms concurrent with the respective appointing authority and other
members shall serve four year terms after staggered initial terms. Requires filling vacancies
in the manner of the original appointment and provides that members shall be eligible for
reappointment. Further provides for the selection of officers and provides that members shall
serve without compensation or reimbursement.
New law provides that the district shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) To sue and be sued.
(2) To adopt, use, and alter at will a corporate seal.
(3) To receive and expend funds.
(4) To enter into contracts for the provision of security patrols or other programs in the
(5) To purchase items and supplies which the board deems instrumental to its purpose.
(6) To perform or have performed any other function or activity necessary for the
achievement of the purpose of the district.
New law authorizes the governing authority of EBRP, subject to the approval of district
voters, to impose and collect a parcel fee on each improved parcel within the district. The
amount of such fee shall be as requested by the board, but shall not exceed $25 per parcel per
year. Further provides that the owner of the parcel shall be responsible for payment of the
New law requires that the election on the fee shall be held at a regularly scheduled primary
or general election and that the fee shall expire four years from its initial levy but may be
renewed. Further provides that the term of the imposition of the fee shall be stated in the
proposition authorizing the fee during such renewals elections.
New law provides for collection of the fee at the same time and in the same manner as ad
valorem taxes are collected by the sheriff in EBRP. Provides for enforcement of collections
in the same manner as the collection of ad valorem taxes are enforced. Requires EBRP to
remit to the district all amounts collected not more than 60 days after collection except for
a collection fee.
New law requires that the board adopt an annual budget in accordance with existing law.
Further requires that the metropolitan council approve the budget. Provides that the district
shall be subject to audit by the legislative auditor pursuant to existing law.
New law provides the purpose and intent of new law, specifically that the additional law
enforcement personnel and their services provided for shall be supplemental to and not in
lieu of personnel and services provided in the district by the city of Baton Rouge or EBRP.
Also provides that if the district ceases to exist, any funds of the district shall be transmitted
to the governing authority of EBRP and shall be used for law enforcement purposes in the
Effective upon signature of the governor or lapse of time for gubernatorial action.
(Adds R.S. 33:9097.40)