Abstract: Provides for disciplinary authority to public school teachers in certain scenarios.
Present law (R.S. 17:416) provides relative to student discipline.
Present law authorizes teachers to take disciplinary action against a student who violates school rules
or interferes with an orderly education process. Proposed law retains present law and further
prohibits a principal or administrator from discouraging a teacher from taking disciplinary action
against a student in such scenario. Prohibits retaliation and taking employment action against a
teacher for taking disciplinary action that complies with policy against a student.
Present law authorizes a teacher to remove a student whose behavior prevents the orderly instruction
of other students, poses an immediate threat to the safety or physical well-being of any student or
teacher, or when a student violates the school's code of conduct. Proposed law instead requires such
Present law authorizes, after the third removal in this manner, a conference between the teacher and
student's parent before the student returns to the classroom. Proposed law instead requires this
Present law (R.S. 17:416.18) provides for a Teacher Bill of Rights.
Prohibits a public school board from establishing policies that prevent teachers from exercising the
rights provided in present law (R.S. 17:416 through 416.16). Proposed law further prohibits a
principal or administrator from retaliating and taking employment action against a teacher for
exercising rights provided in present law.
(Amends R.S. 17:416(A)(1)(b)(i) and (c)(i) and (v) and 416.18(B))
Summary of Amendments Adopted by House
The Committee Amendments Proposed by House Committee on Education to the original bill:
1. Specify that proposed law prohibition on adverse employment action against a teacher
for taking disciplinary action is limited to when teachers take action in accordance with
public school governing authority policy.
2. Specify that teachers are not authorized to violate public school governing authority
discipline policy in the exercise of their rights.

Statutes affected:
HB322 Original: 17:416(A)(1), 17:18(B)
HB322 Engrossed: 17:416(A)(1), 17:18(B)
HB322 Reengrossed: 17:416(A)(1), 17:18(B)
HB322 Enrolled: 17:416(A)(1), 17:18(B)
HB322 Act : 17:416(A)(1), 17:18(B)